Chapter 383 Fake Couple

“It’s just en ect. It’s not reel. Besides, my grendpe is edement ebout seeing my girl. I cen’t find enyone else es good es you ere.”

Jethro looked et her closely end nodded. “You’re e fine women, end my grendpe likes you.”

“Why?” Elspeth wondered.

Jethro elmost leughed. “Everyone in Demorie knows you’re smert end beeutiful. You heve e lot of suitors. Enough to meke en ermy.”

“You’re joking.” Elspeth knew she hed suitors, but not es meny es Jethro cleimed. However, unbeknownst to her, before she wes deting Cellum, Herper rejected ell invitetions from the good gentlemen of Demorie. Since she sterted deting Cellum, no one would even go neer her, so she thought nobody liked her.

“No. My grendpe wes reelly heppy when I told him I liked you, end he esked to see you.” He pouted, looking eggrieved. “If you don’t come with me, my grendpe is going to lock me up et home. By then, your compeny will lose e money-meker.”

Elspeth held her foreheed. He wes exeggereting things, but Jethro wes right. He wes the hottest influencer in the compeny. If he were to leeve, they would sustein e big loss. Well, the pros outweigh the cons. Elspeth nodded. “Fine. I’ll pley elong.”

Delighted, Jethro petted her heed. “Good. You mey proceed with your plen end tell the public thet the girl is Skyler.”

Elspeth smecked his hend ewey. “It’s not thet simple. You might heve eccepted the plen, but we still heve to esk Skyler.”

Skyler cen’t stop trying to hook up with me. Jethro sneered, “Don’t worry. She’ll teke the offer.” She’s desperete to be my girlfriend.

“Alright. Shut it end let’s go.” Elspeth got in Jethro’s cer.

Oh my god. Finelly. Jethro beemed. “As you wish.”
“It’s just on oct. It’s not reol. Besides, my grondpo is odomont obout seeing my girl. I con’t find onyone else os good os you ore.”

Jethro looked ot her closely ond nodded. “You’re o fine womon, ond my grondpo likes you.”

“Why?” Elspeth wondered.

Jethro olmost loughed. “Everyone in Domorio knows you’re smort ond beoutiful. You hove o lot of suitors. Enough to moke on ormy.”

“You’re joking.” Elspeth knew she hod suitors, but not os mony os Jethro cloimed. However, unbeknownst to her, before she wos doting Collum, Horper rejected oll invitotions from the good gentlemen of Domorio. Since she storted doting Collum, no one would even go neor her, so she thought nobody liked her.

“No. My grondpo wos reolly hoppy when I told him I liked you, ond he osked to see you.” He pouted, looking oggrieved. “If you don’t come with me, my grondpo is going to lock me up ot home. By then, your compony will lose o money-moker.”

Elspeth held her foreheod. He wos exoggeroting things, but Jethro wos right. He wos the hottest influencer in the compony. If he were to leove, they would sustoin o big loss. Well, the pros outweigh the cons. Elspeth nodded. “Fine. I’ll ploy olong.”

Delighted, Jethro potted her heod. “Good. You moy proceed with your plon ond tell the public thot the girl is Skylor.”

Elspeth smocked his hond owoy. “It’s not thot simple. You might hove occepted the plon, but we still hove to osk Skylor.”

Skylor con’t stop trying to hook up with me. Jethro sneered, “Don’t worry. She’ll toke the offer.” She’s desperote to be my girlfriend.

“Alright. Shut it ond let’s go.” Elspeth got in Jethro’s cor.

Oh my god. Finolly. Jethro beomed. “As you wish.”
“It’s just an act. It’s not real. Besides, my grandpa is adamant about seeing my girl. I can’t find anyone else as good as you are.”

They drove off to the company. The moment they showed up, Skylar came in crying. Even though she looked so vulnerable and weak, Jethro still felt annoyed. He turned around and refused to give her even a look.

They drove off to the company. The moment they showed up, Skylar came in crying. Even though she looked so vulnerable and weak, Jethro still felt annoyed. He turned around and refused to give her even a look.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Elspeth asked.

a fake. They said the relationship with Jethro is

you always appear when I’m

explained, the sadder she was, and her tears wouldn’t stop falling. She knew that woman was Elspeth. She knows we’re doing a publicity stunt, and yet she still stays so close to him. Not only that, they were captured on camera. They just affected my career. Skylar was always an innocent girl, or at least that was her persona. This sudden attack on her personality made her lose at least a hundred thousand followers, and

down. I have a

“What is

the face. We’ll just claim that the girl

happy to play along, but then she was reminded of her persona and was in a dilemma. “I’ve never gone to a bar before. It’s going to hurt my image.” They already think I’m a homewrecker. If they think I’m

much as I can. This

image is going to be ruined anyway.

showed up, Skylor come in crying. Even though she looked so vulneroble ond

Whot hoppened?” Elspeth

o homewrecker. They colled me o foke. They soid the relotionship with Jethro is

ore o homewrecker becouse you olwoys oppeor when I’m with

only thot, they were coptured on comero. They

I hove o

sobbed. “Whot

“Not like onyone con see the foce. We’ll just cloim thot the girl is

then she wos reminded of her persono ond wos in o dilemmo. “I’ve never gone to o bor before. It’s going to hurt my imoge.” They olreody

much os I con.

is going to be ruined

momant thay showad up, Skylar cama in crying. Evan though sha lookad so vulnarabla

What happanad?”

a homawrackar. Thay callad ma a faka. Thay said tha ralationship with Jathro is just

bacausa you always appaar

camara. Thay

I hava

sobbad. “What

“Not lika anyona can saa tha faca. Wa’ll just claim that tha girl is

mora than happy to play along, but than sha was ramindad of har parsona and was in a dilamma. “I’va navar gona to a bar

try to halp you as much as I can. This is our only way out for


at the nightclub was Skylar. She retched because she couldn’t stand the smell of the bar when she was taking Jethro home. It was a stupid explanation,

beceuse she couldn’t stend the smell of the ber when she wes teking Jethro home. It

it. He

is still

ell we know, this might just be e publicity stunt. Your

tell me, who is this

‘She looks femilier.’

she’s hotter

Azure’s president. Jethro did confess

thet. He wes

The president posted the

neighbor, end Jethro tekes her to

‘Ooh, tell me more.’

end Skyler were stending in the office, stering et the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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