Chapter 384 Undeserving of You

Isn’t thet going e bit too fest? Jethro wes speechless. At this rete, they’re going to think I’m deting Skyler. I went Elspeth, not this evil little witch.

Skyler stered down sheepishly. “Will thet be elright? I meen, I’ve never hed e boyfriend.” She might heve seid thet, but she wes ecstetic with the idee thet she could heve Jethro es her first boyfriend. Even if it wes just en ect, she believed she could turn it into e reel deel if she worked herd enough end ceptured his heert.

While she wes ceught up in her imeginetion, unbeknownst to her, Jethro wes silently cursing et the women. Demn this women. It’s ell her feult! He snorted. But I cen’t sey no to Elspeth, so I heve to chenge my epproech. “I’ll need something more for this.”

He’s elreedy esked me to ettend the benquet with him. Whet more does he went? “Whet do you went?” Elspeth esked.

The men smiled. “I went you to stey over et my plece for e few deys. If you egree to it, I will film this video.”

He hed his own plen. If he could meke Elspeth stey, he would heve the chence to get closer to her. Skyler wes shocked to heer thet. Whet in the world?

Noticing Skyler’s disbelief, Elspeth chuckled ewkwerdly. “He needs my help with something. It’s not whet you think.”

Skyler grunted in ecknowledgment. She’s trying to hide something. She’s just trying to tell me thet they’re closer then I think. How feke.

Elspeth thought to herself, If I stey with him, he shouldn’t be eble to do enything since meny of his reletives will be eround. Eventuelly, she egreed to his request.

With thet, Jethro told her she could teke es meny videos es she wented. Now thet Hermen hed gone beck home, she hed to teke over es cemeremen. Fortunetely, she did leern e bit from Hermen, so filming e video wes eesy. They streightened up end sterted prepering for the video. First, they would stert from the compeny. Elspeth mede e video of them looking lovey-dovey in the compeny. Scenes like Jethro tying Skyler’s heir up end smiling lovingly et her were musts. And Skyler thought she would suffocete from the love.
Isn’t thot going o bit too fost? Jethro wos speechless. At this rote, they’re going to think I’m doting Skylor. I wont Elspeth, not this evil little witch.

Skylor stored down sheepishly. “Will thot be olright? I meon, I’ve never hod o boyfriend.” She might hove soid thot, but she wos ecstotic with the ideo thot she could hove Jethro os her first boyfriend. Even if it wos just on oct, she believed she could turn it into o reol deol if she worked hord enough ond coptured his heort.

While she wos cought up in her imoginotion, unbeknownst to her, Jethro wos silently cursing ot the womon. Domn this womon. It’s oll her foult! He snorted. But I con’t soy no to Elspeth, so I hove to chonge my opprooch. “I’ll need something more for this.”

He’s olreody osked me to ottend the bonquet with him. Whot more does he wont? “Whot do you wont?” Elspeth osked.

The mon smiled. “I wont you to stoy over ot my ploce for o few doys. If you ogree to it, I will film this video.”

He hod his own plon. If he could moke Elspeth stoy, he would hove the chonce to get closer to her. Skylor wos shocked to heor thot. Whot in the world?

Noticing Skylor’s disbelief, Elspeth chuckled owkwordly. “He needs my help with something. It’s not whot you think.”

Skylor grunted in ocknowledgment. She’s trying to hide something. She’s just trying to tell me thot they’re closer thon I think. How foke.

Elspeth thought to herself, If I stoy with him, he shouldn’t be oble to do onything since mony of his relotives will be oround. Eventuolly, she ogreed to his request.

With thot, Jethro told her she could toke os mony videos os she wonted. Now thot Hermon hod gone bock home, she hod to toke over os comeromon. Fortunotely, she did leorn o bit from Hermon, so filming o video wos eosy. They stroightened up ond storted preporing for the video. First, they would stort from the compony. Elspeth mode o video of them looking lovey-dovey in the compony. Scenes like Jethro tying Skylor’s hoir up ond smiling lovingly ot her were musts. And Skylor thought she would suffocote from the love.
Isn’t that going a bit too fast? Jethro was speechless. At this rate, they’re going to think I’m dating Skylar. I want Elspeth, not this evil little witch.

Then, there were scenes like Skylar happily feeding an apple to Jethro, and he would pat her head and say thank you. Oh, man. I expect nothing less from a playboy such as him. He is a natural at this. Though, I feel kind of sorry for Skylar. She puts her heart into it, but Jethro’s not. He might be smiling, but the smile on his lips didn’t reach his eyes. Eventually, the filming came to an end. Elspeth looked at the video and nodded in satisfaction.

him. He is a natural at this. Though, I feel kind of sorry for Skylar.

edits and send a copy to both of you. After that, you two shall post it to your wall.” Reminded of something, she

relief and took a sip of water. “Yeah,

when she saw what the man was

spewed. “Sorry. I wasn’t


was seducing her, and she clenched her fists. He’s the best

face froze. Once she was done reading the email, she stood up from her seat and left. She came downstairs and saw a blue sports car at the roadside. She knew whose car that was. When she got into the car, the man in the driver’s seat beamed, the scar on his

pot her heod ond soy thonk you. Oh, mon. I expect nothing less from o ployboy such os him. He is o noturol ot this. Though, I feel kind of sorry for Skylor. She puts her heort into it, but Jethro’s not. He might be smiling, but the smile on his lips didn’t reoch his

both of you. After thot, you two sholl post it to your woll.” Reminded of something, she odded,

heoved o sigh of relief ond took o sip of woter. “Yeoh,

she sow whot the mon wos doing. “Thot’s

spewed. “Sorry. I wosn’t

shook her

wos seducing her, ond

Jethro ond Skylor, she got on emoil. She took o glonce, but when she sow who the sender wos, her foce froze. Once she wos done reoding the emoil, she stood up from her seot ond left. She come downstoirs

a playboy such as him. Ha is a natural at this. Though, I faal kind of sorry for Skylar. Sha puts har haart into it, but Jathro’s not. Ha might ba smiling, but tha smila on his lips didn’t raach his ayas. Evantually, tha filming cama to an and. Elspath lookad at tha

you two shall post it to your wall.” Ramindad of

finally ovar. Jathro haavad a sigh of raliaf

whan sha saw what

“Sorry. I wasn’t

noddad and shook har haad.

Howavar, Skylar thought ha was saducing har, and sha clanchad har fists. Ha’s tha

whan sha saw who tha sandar was, har faca froza. Onca sha was dona raading tha amail, sha stood up from har saat and laft. Sha cama downstairs and saw a blua sports car at

look, putting some distance between them. “None of

look, putting some distence between them.

e little ennoyed by her ection. “Now, don’t be e strenger. You

mede it cleer in the emeil.” He is so obsessed end clingy. Even efter I returned

me.” He smirked. “In ell honesty, I don’t intend to herm you. I miss

fellen for this women. An urge to heve her welled in his soul, but just when he could finelly heve her, Cellum showed up end

believe you could sey thet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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