Chapter 55
My daughter stays in my arms. The side of her head is bleeding but it is not a deep wound.
However, her Mommy was shot two times and shows no signs of healing. My heart jumps in my throat every time I look at her pale face which is resting in my lap. I had taped her wounds to stop the heavy bleeding. Bullets didn’t hit any vital o r g n s, it seems and she is still alive. But she needs immediate medical care.
I can’t take her to any human hospital because I am not sure to what extent her werewolf powers are non-existent so Levi is driving my car back to our pack.
Layla is breathing, and her heart is beating. But my breath is stuck in my throat and my heart has forgotten it’s usual rhythm.
Seeing her like this is pure torture. I thought I would be happy if she left my sight and my life but right now, even that thought is stealing little pieces of my soul. It’s an intense pain that I feel in my heart every time I imagine her dying and leaving Ayla and me behind.
Step on it, Levi! “I hiss, tightening my hold over my daughter’s back
Both girls have started to mean so much to me and both are injured. It’s my failure. I couldn’t protect even one of them. If something happens to Layla, I will forever remain guilty and become half of what I am.
Theo’s pack is close, Alpha. Their pack doctor can operate on her and get the bullets out. I don’t think we can wait long enough to get to our pack. How about we take her there?” Levi blurts, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.
I purse my lips which threaten to tremble and look down at the lifeless face of the woman half lying in my lap. Her heartbeat is slowing down.
Take us there. Hurry the f u c k up! “I hiss. I can endure that f u c k e r if it means I can save Layla’s life.
I wanted her to die when I found out she stole my child and kept her hidden for so many years.
But right now, I don’t want her to die, I desperately want her to live and stay with Ayla—stay with me,
I don’t understand this fear, this change in me. I want to blame it all on my lust for her, but the strong emotions
overwhelming can’t be a part of my plan to f u c k her. It’s something more, something so strong that it f u c k i n g threatens to bring me to my knees.
Levi turns the car towards Theo’s pack while I hold both my girls close to me. We reach there in half an hour and Theo is already waiting for us on the border in his car.
Levi shoots me an assuring look through the rearview, silently letting me know that he mind-linked a warrior to inform the Alpha heir about the situation at hand.
Theo’s car guides us into the infirmary. When Levi stops the car and jumps out, I hand Ayla to him and pick up Layla to run inside the two-story building.
Theo stumbles out of his car and approaches me. His wide eyes take in the blood on Layla’s body before meeting my face.
– What did you do?” He hisses.
I don’t stop to hear his tantrum and make my way to the female pack doctor pacing around the hall anxiously.

She was shot. Two times. The bullets are still inside her body and she can’t heal. “I utter in a single breath.
I know about her lacking healing abilities. Please bring her here. The doctor runs in the right direction and I follow her
Chapter 55
hurriedly, my heart drumming in my ears dangerously.
She was shot?! She was f u c k i n g shot?!” Theo yells, joining my side and softly touching Layla’s limp head.
I go inside the room the pack doctor enters and put Layla down on the bed. Her blood spills out of the tight tapes, making
the flow. me place my hand over her chest to suppress
“Layla. “Theo runs to the other side of the bed and pats her cheeks softly.
Nurses come rushing inside the room, preparing everything in a hurry. I take my eyes off Theo and Layla and look at the doctor who is wearing her gloves.
She is bleeding too much. She will f u c k i n g die at this rate. Get here already! “I hiss, struggling and failing to maintain the calm exterior which is my identity.
The doctor nods and rushes over to Theo’s side. Hg steps away hurriedly, letting the doctor take over.
Nurses cut her shirt from the middle before her bra follows, leaving her bare to everyone’s eyes. The grey tapes on her skin are ripped off to expose her wounds and blood comes bubbling out like a full f u c k i n g fountain.
You two need to step outside. I can’t treat the patient in your presence. “The doctor says in a busy tone while nurses press on Layla’s wounds to stop the blood.

How bad is it?”Theo asks, sounding panicked.
“I can’t tell yet. She has lost lots of blood and transfusion is not possible because she is a werewolf in the end.” She says without looking away from Layla.
My breath catches in my throat as my gaze drifts to her lips which are becoming drier by the moment. She won’t be able to get any blood transfusion because all werewolves have unique blood types and their bodies don’t accept other’s blood. Many werewolves draw out their blood and keep it stored just in case something like this happens to them but I doubt Layla ever thought about it.
She will heal with potions. I mumble.
Only if her body is in the condition to accept those potions, Alpha. “She replies busily.” now please step out.
You have to save her. “Theo hisses before he walks out of the room dejectedly.
Alpha Please. “A nurse pleads from the side for me to get out of the way and leave the room.
My gaze stays fixed on her face. She will die without any blood transfusion and healing potions. That’s why I hated her. She had always been weak and easily killable. Now, she will leave me behind and f u c k i n g die because she can’t heal.
I will not leave the room. I will not f u c k i n g leave her alone. “My eyes flash bright silver as I look at the nurse. She jumps in her spot and rushes away to get out of my sight.
away from the bed to allow the nurses and doctor enough room to treat her and stand in the corner, watching them dig in her flesh to pull the bullets out
My stomach churns at the amount of blood she loses. My heart leaps to my throat after every moment.
Ayla is fine. I treated her wound, I think she will wake up soon. ‘Levi informs through the mind-link.
I don’t answer him. I know my daughter will be fine. I checked her wound thoroughly myself. I couldn’t be standing here if I doubted she was in danger.
Chapter 55
‘What about Layla?’ He asks reluctantly.
She will live. I reply stubbornly.
Alpha. I think we should call Daphne here. She should meet Layla before—
I said, she will live. I state, shutting him up.
He believes she will die. The doctor hovering above her unconscious and bleeding body shakes her head every other second, silently believing the same thing.
How can she die? How can she f u c k i n g embrace death after making a mess of me?
1 grit my jaw and watch silently as they get the bullets out and treat her wounds. After a few hours, they are done patching
up but her vitals are unstable.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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