Chapter 56
All voices are m u f f l e d around me. No matter how hard I try to focus on one voice, I can’t make out what they are saying. The only thing I can tell is that they are talking in loud, excited voices that sound so strange to my ears.
I grimace, trying to turn on my side as my back is numbs due to lying in one position for so long but I can’t move. It’s not because anything hurts. It’s because 1 feel like I am still floating somewhere between a dream and reality.

A familiar m f l e d voice yells. My instincts all jump to life and my eyes snap open despite the resistance from my mind.
I blink at the stark white ceiling peering back at mg. Something beeps in the background, but that’s not what I can pay
attention to.
Mommy. When ish she waking up?” Ayla’s whining voice falls on my ears again.
One moment, I try to breathe and the next. I forget about it. My body shoots up in a sitting position and m y e y e s roam the area, instantly finding my bundle of joy sitting in someone’s lap with her back to me.
“She is awake. “A deep voice tells her.
Ayla whips her head around, displaying a small bandage on the side. My heart s k ip s multiple beats, my hands clenching into tight fists.
Ayla. “I whisper in a croaky voice.
Her lips morph into a smile I missed dearly. Warmth spreads in my body. I blink, my vision glazing over due to unshed.
She jumps out of the lap and makes a beeline for the bed I am sitting in. I lean down instinctively and pull her into my arms. Her small arms wrap around my neck, just as her body presses into my chest.
She is here. She is safe.

S o b s rack my frame as my lips find her face, kissing every spot that I can reach hurriedly. She grabs my cheeks, throwing her head back and receiving my affectionate kisses by closing her eyes.
My heart is whole again. It doesn’t hurt anymore. She is here. I chant in my head as I continue to shower her with kisses and then tug her into my chest. I hug my Baby tightly, not wanting to ever let her out of my arms again.
“I am sorry, Baby. I am sorry. Mommy couldn’t take care of you. I am sorry. “I so
b, rocking back and forth.
The guilt will forever remain in my heart. If I was a good mother, I would have protected her better. I will never forget it.
Mommy.” She snuggles into my neck, holding onto me just as tightly.
More tears spill out of my eyes when I realize how terrifying this experience must have been for her. I pull her face out of my neck and touch the side of her head with the tips of my fingers.
My breath hitches, and another s o b sounds in the room. My vision blurs as I press my forehead into hers.
I am sorry. I am sorry.”I choke, finding it hard to breathe.
Pwease don’t cry, Mommy. Ayla ich fine.” She murmurs, grabbing my cheeks again.
Chapter 56
I shake my head and close my eyes. I can’t stop crying. The deep sorrow and the utter relief have become one in my heart, turning everything bittersweet.
So, I hold her and cry for a long time. The world doesn’t exist for me. It’s only my daughter and me, just like it has always
Until, a hand lands on my cheek, sending another wave of warmth down my body. I s o b s, opening my eyes to look at him. He is leaning in close to my face, already searching my eyes with his soft ones.
Everything is alright. “He whispers, stroking my wet check with his callous thumb.
1 sniffle, leaning into the warmth of his palm. He rubs the tears away, all the while staring deep into my eyes.
You are worrying our Princess, Layla. You need to stop crying. We are all fine.” Ile speaks gently as if he is talking to a child and not his sworn enemy.
I suck in a shaky breath and glance at Ayla who is pouting. Her r o u n d e e s are glassy, showing how much I have impacted her by ugly crying in front of her. Instinctively. I tug her face back into my neck, holding her close to my chest.
Mommy won’t cry. Don’t be sad, Baby. Don’t ever be sad. “I whisper shakily
Alpha Alexander draws his hand away, leaving my cheek cold. I pick up my head, yearning for him to touch me once more so I can find the support 1 desperately need to hold onto my sanity here.
To my surprise, he sits down beside me on the bed and wraps his arm around my back. His other arm coils around Ayla. He hugs us both, sandwiching our Baby in between. Our eyes meet over her head, and my breath catches in my throat.
It feels like a cocoon of protection, a silent promise of safety in his arms. I give into him, and his warmth and close my eyes again.
We three stay like this. Our breaths mingle, our hearts beat on the same rhythms. For the first time, it feels like we are a family and it doesn’t really make sense. Alpha Alexander and I can’t be family—but I am still seeking that kind of connection with him.
I put my thoughts to rest and allow myself to be at ease. I am not alone, a voice whispers in my head.
I lose track of time and only open my eyes again when I feel Ayla’s body going lax in my arms. Her breaths even out, indicating that she had fallen asleep. I can’t help but notice how silent she has been after Alpha Alexander made me stop crying.
Alpha Alexander pulls away, sensing the same thing. I release a relieved breath and softly put Ayla down on the bed beside me. Her pale face comes into my view, tugging at the strings of my heart once more.
I caress her cheeks, memorizing every feature of hers and silently mourning the time we were forced to spend apart. I am still not sure how they treated her and how that must have impacted my Baby. I can only hope that this experience doesn’t become a trauma for her.
How are you feeling? Alpha Alexander slides my hair behind my ear, breaking me out of the trance.
I straighten up and face him while keeping my hand on Ayla’s chest firmly. I can’t bring myself to stop touching her or else, I might lose my touch to reality.
My eyes lower to the grey T-shirt I am wearing. It liides my body and covers the wounds I must have sustained. I got shot. Two times. And it doesn’t hurt.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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