Chapter 94
I am not used to being in other’s houses or foreign places. Since the incident when I was kidnapped, Mom and Dad refused to let me go to any friend’s house except for C**n and his pack.
Truth be told, I didn’t like going to anyone’s place either. I liked to meet others outside, in open areas, where they could not harm so easily. But i had always hoped, that Dad and Mom kept **n away too.
The fact that he was an exception makes me sick.
I shake my head, trying to forget about that ‘a**e’, and focus on the sitting area of Massimo’s house instead.
“When you said you would take me to your home, I expected a packhouse, not a secluded little house at the outskirts of your pack. “I scoff, my gaze running across the expensive interior.
Everything in this double-story house screams wealth and luxury—The grey and blue couches, the grey walls, the shining chandeliers. But there is no picture in sight and no touch of any warmth in this cold and empty place.
It feels like no one has resided here for years but the carefully maintained condition tells me that I am wrong.
Someone does live here. He is just someone who doesn’t like an ounce of warmth, or maybe, he just doesn’t get that from anyone.
You are not my Luna or my pack member, why would I take you to my packhouse?” Massimo’s mocking voice comes from the corner.
I frown, directing my gaze at the man who has thrown his suit jacket on the couch while lounging in the middle of it. His head rolls back, his eyes closing as he takes some deep breaths.
My eyes run down the column of his throat and refuse to move away from that Adam’s Apple. He gulps, the s**y block moving up and down
1 gulp, my cheeks heating at the sight. His top buttons have popped open because he took off his tie and is now holding it in his hand leisurely.
“You can take a picture if you want just in case you find yourself needy tonight. I don’t mind if you finger-f**k yourself while watching my face.” He says, his voice deep and h*e.
I *snap out of the daze and blink at him. He did not just say that!

“Why would I do anything while staring at your face? I don’t even like it. “I blurt, but it sounds like a lie to me.
Massimo Rossi, even with all that wickedness, is like a Greek G**d. Everything about him is made to perfection, from that chiseled face, deep eyes, a small curve of his thick lips, and that body that makes him appear like a model.
But for some reason, Tkeep thinking like I know him, as if I have seen him somewhere, somehow from so close that his eyes give me a scare every time he looks at me.
Why are you staring then, Kitten?” He rasps, keeping his eyes closed. “Why is your heart beating like a f**g drum? Not to mention that scent of arousal that I can pick from miles away.”
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Chapter 94
My frown deepens. I so hate these werewolf abilities.
“You married me for some twisted plan against my Dad, but you did marry me. How can you say I am not your Luna?” I huff, changing the topic to protect my sanity.
Taking small, hesitant steps, I approach the couch opposite him and sit down.
Are you desperate to become my Luna?” He tilts his head, his eyes opening to meet my gaze.
My mouth dries under the intensity of his hooded eyes. “No?”
My heart is still pounding at the same speed, wild and uncontrolled. His raw and masculine scent of whiskey and woods makes me
lightheaded as he shifts in his position and sits up straight.
“What is your plan? “I utter before he can say something weird again.
Surprisingly, Massimo gets up and saunters over to me. I crane my neck, keeping my eyes on his brown orbs stubbornly.
Just a step away, he halts, and suddenly, leans down. I yelp, my back pressing into the couch behind me.
Massimo places his hands on both sides of my head and searches my eyes for something. Memories threaten to resurface but as I stare into his eyes, I find myself rooted in the present with him.
His scent, the light sparks running up and down my body and the little butterflies in my stomach make me shiver under his gaze.
What do you think?” His deep, low voice reverberates in my stomach, sending a wave of heat between my legs.
Gasping, I clench my thighs and grab the hem of my dress.
“I—“When he is this close, my mind refuses to work.
I notice the curl of his lashes, and the small wound mark between his left brow before my gaze is drawn to the little dimple hidden just beneath that trimmed stubble.
on his right cheek,
“There are a hundred ways to hurt someone, to make them writhe and plead for mercy.” His breaths ghost my lips, while I find myself stuck in those moving lips.
Massimo. “I whisper, his name sounding hot on my tongue.
“I want to hurt your father and you in each of those ways. A hundred ways. A new pain every day.” His face nears mine until his nose is almost touching mine but not quite there yet.
My eyes snap to his glaring eyes, and my breath hitches. Behind that cold gaze, there is so much hate that I get puzzled and nervous. “Why are you after my Dad? What did he do to you?” I mumble, still resisting his scent that has wrapped around me like a cloak.
A primal force in me wants to nuzzle in his neck and inhale his scent until I am so dizzy that I can not think about the rest of the world.
I am surprised at my thoughts. It’s like some foreign energy is inside me right now, making me think about things that I don’t even want.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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