Chapter 95

Run!” I hear my Mom yell.
The darkness of the forest threatens to close in on me and devour me like a Beast. Mom and Dad said we were safe. We were not under t
radar of those people anymore.
But they were wrong.
Here, they are. The glowing eyes of wolves, the angry howls, and the danger that makes my heart almost stop in my chest.
They chase us no matter where we run as if playing with our emotions, making sure that we feel the fear in our bones.
Lost, in the dark, cold night, I find myself yearning for home. We were safe there. And now we are not.
If only I hadn’t done what I did. We would have been safe even now.
Because of me, my parents’ faces are now pale and filled with terror for what is to come.
“Listen here, Buddy. “After we get tired of running, my Dad stops and kneels in front of me.
“Dad, we should go back to our pack. “I suggest. They will listen to us. Pack members protect each other and stick together until the end- -That’s what I was taught, that’s all I know, and believe in.
“No.” Dad’s eyes soften, as he tries to mask the fear.” they don’t care about us anymore, Buddy. They shunned us.
Shunned?” I can sense my body trembling. I don’t know how to stop it. I have never felt like this before, like my hands are too cold, my leg will give out any moment and insects are crawling over my spine.
These men you see, my son- they punish us.
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Dad’s voice breaks.” they are here for me and your Mom. Our Alpha sent them, and they won’t leave unle
“Dad.” My breathing quickens as I hear the howls of angry wolves getting closer to where we stand.
My Mom crouches beside Dad. My nervous, wide eyes switch between them both, I have never seen them cry. My brave parents have always
They were the best warriors of our pack and I was always proud to have them as my Mom and Dad.

But at this moment, they look as scared as me.
Mom cups my cheek and strokes it softly.” My sweet son.
M**m. I grab her hand,” we should talk to our Alpha. He is kind and-
“I told you, Buddy.” Dad grabs my arms and gives me a small smile. They are here to punish us on the
Chapter 95

We just need you to walk towards that tree and enter the other pack’s territory.” Dad cuts me off with an urgency and squeezes my arms.
Run, now. Don’t look back. Once we talk with those warriors and accept whatever punishment Alpha has decided for us, we will join you
I look towards Mom. She nods assuringly, a few tears brimming in her eyes.

We will be with you. Always.” She whispers in her soft voice.
“Then why are we running from them?” I squeeze my cold hands.
Because we wanted you to go to Black Lake Pack first. “Mom whispers, and takes her hand back.” Hurry up now. We will explain the rest when we join you shortly.”
“Why must I-
“Listen to your Mom, Buddy. Go on now.” Dad releases my arms and gives me a slight nudge forward.
I look at their faces, as they sit side by side, smiling at me. Everything felt wrong until then, but as I see them smile, like they always did, I feel
Without thinking much about it, I nod and turn around. After walking a few steps, I hear the loud growl once more and halt in my way.
“You will come, right?” I ask, glancing at my parents from over my shoulder.
They are still there, but their smiles are wavering.
“Yes, Buddy. Run now. Run and cross the border.” Dad nods, watching me intently.
I listen to him and start running to the tree he had previously pointed out. But my heartbeat is out of control.
I have this sinking feeling in my stomach, something absolutely weird. I don’t know—
Just when I reach the tree, I hear my Dad screaming. The strange gurgling noises push me to a halt and make me face the scene again.
Don’t look!” Mom shrieks.
Just when my eyes meet her, a wolf’s teeth sink into her neck and rip her head off. The world comes to a stop, blood splattering everywhere.
Mom’s wide eyes stare into mine, tears rolling down before I see her head hit the floor.
My cold hands unclench, as I follow my Dad’s voice and find him struggling under the teeth of another wolf. He is fighting, trying to shift into his warrior wolf, but the other wolves are stronger and more in number.
As I witness, they pull Dad’s body apart. Everything goes silent, Blood taints the forest, turning dark under the darkness
My voice doesn’t sound like mine. It’s as if i have turned into a statue, unable to understand what’s happeninsi, Da
Rooted on that spot, I try to blink, move, or think, but all I can do is watch blankly.
Mom, Dad. You said you will always be with me.
“You said you will be with me. Always. “I growl, sitting up in the bed.
My awareness returns as I sense something soft clenched between my arms. My breathing is labored, and my body is trembling.
It’s the same nightmare I see every night. The night when I lost my parents is where I am stuck.
“Massimo. “A gentle hand lands on my back, softly running down and then up.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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