The man raised his hand to fend her off, casually shutting the door behind him. "Eliza, if you used that fire against Casper, you wouldn't be in this mess." "Zach, get out. Now."

"Why do you always look at me like I'm the worst? I actually have something important to tell you today." Zach flopped down on the couch, his eyes catching sight of the sandwich on her table. "Perfect, I haven't eaten." He reached for the sandwich, but Eliza snatched them away before he could. "Leave. Got it?"

His hand came up empty. Zach leaned back, a smirk on his face. "Don't you want to hear what I have to say?"

"What is it?" Eliza's voice was cold.

A sly smile crept across Zach's lips. "I've got a ton of evidence on how Mercy Hospital mistreated Robin and what your father went through after he was arrested. Do you want it?"

Before Eliza could respond, Zach continued, "I know you once loved Casper deeply, but so what? He doesn't love you. He's plotting to wipe out the Pinotti family. Don't you hate him?"

"Eliza, I can help you. Together, we can make Casper fall from grace, and the Pinotti family won't have to live in fear. You can finally hold your head high again. I might even be able to help cure Robin's madness."

Eliza's tense body slowly relaxed.

Previously, she would have rejected Zach without a second thought. But now...

"Why should I believe you?"

phone and handed it to Eliza. "People don't just go mad for no reason. See for yourself what your brother

took the phone,

showed Robin and several

The video sho

men. They were relentlessly

with electric batons They stripped him

the room


person would go mad in

her eyes,

suppress did they do this

emotions. "Why?

simply because he's a Pinotti and because

glared at Zach. "It was Nova who set him up. He would never do

"Of course, I


opinion doesn't matter. Casper

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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