Zach had never taken Caroline seriously. What kind of impact could a woman really make?

"You don't actually think Welton International would end up in the hands of a woman, do you?" he sneered. Tristan had told him ages ago that Welton International was passed down to the males. When Casper stepped down, Zach would be the next in line.

But Eliza saw things differently.

Caroline had spent years abroad, honing her skills. She was just as capable as Casper, if not more. Her grandpa had sent her away to ensure that she could support Casper and secure his position as president of Welton International, preventing the company from being divided by Tristan's numerous illegitimate children.

Jeffrey still called the shots in the Welton family.

"Even if Welton International won't end up in a woman's hands, what makes you so sure it'll end up in yours?" Eliza looked at Zach with disdain, seeing right through his fake smile. "You're not Tristan's only illegitimate child. What makes you think you have the upper hand?"

"Becoming the one to take over Welton International depends on my abilities," Zach said with confidence. "Eliza, don't you want to feel the thrill of getting back at Casper?"

She did. Of course, she did. But she couldn't join forces with Zach. He was like a walking needle, all sharp edges and cunning. As Casper had once said, she couldn't outmaneuver him.

"I think you've got the wrong person, Mr. Zach. While I do want revenge against Casper, I'm naturally timid, so..."

reject me. Think it over," Zach

yet. Robin's maltreatment hadn't hit her where it hurt the most. No matter, Zach had time. As he left, he tossed a USB drive onto the table. "This has some videos

she might find. After what felt like an eternity, she picked up the drive, tossed it into a drawer, and locked it away. Some truths, she decided, she wanted to uncover

in the


Chelsea some good news: she'd a suitable

"Really? That's awesome, Chelsea."

"I've already completed the

procedures for

improvement could take three to six

glimmer of

want to thank me, treat me


it was time to leave, Eliza shut down her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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