a Te ie Ei : ~ world! lik As time passed, the Lord of War carrier sailed through the waves, rapidly approaching the territorial waters of Umbracia. On the satellite maps of all the major powers, a huge red arrow appeared, clearly indicating an aggressive stance.

The great battle was about to begin! Inside the hexagonal tower of ~ Umbracia's military core, dozens of military experts were sweating if . 1H Ln fil profusely. Their fi ngers were rae Sa.

typing on keyboards, engag nanan unprecedented electronic LE UlNpIiciLcuciitcu Tit ul Jl le HE i Hi Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

ile Yvan idil AnCauy UCSuyuilil EE hd ™ las th wT f War aor AI" ~ "Has the Temple of War gone mad?" J He Le i In front of the control console of the in i hexagonal tower, an old man with hed I » pi i B gray hair and a suit stood with his hands behind his back, staring intently at the screen above him. His teeth i I i " ~ were clenched as he shouted, "Can Ha ; 1! Le anyone tell me why Alexander is . di ph Invading our waters n I Slt And... what about the missile attack over Coconut Wind Island? Who gave the order without informing the Hexagonal Tower? Why? i I lie Hh L I HHH I : hy - 1Q LE Hi ad [I here were no answers! a uw ni I i Le EE Ee Hi Cl Cle EL : Lol at Re ee bik RETR di fi a rein: hal ll LE I la 6 This towering figure in the world, th Be nn a d LL LL Ji top person of the umpbracia Ir

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SO RE : il

to have truly gone I ~~ mad! I UE I ln No, he's not crazy! Wilton leaned on his electronic cane J watching the military experts working hard to counter the electronic

: N / 4 ro. in Pil ly mistaken... they want to find out the I li lil i 1 Hl d ore -~ i : E source of the missile ana the real a i :

a matter of the dignity of the ~ Umbracia military! "The Temple of War refuses to engage in pre-war talks. All we can do now is... contact Wyverna and communicate directly with the ruler of Wyverna to strongly condemn the Temple of War!’

Center quickly changed, a : an CE Le La ‘ Vi : Fo ~ and the holographic projection of a ~

at the ruler of Wyverna through the projection. The muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. * i ~The Master of the

I Ril Hil aura of hostility. "You want me to HE HH Hl lj fi I i explain? Then I'll tl anil il a nn ih ih nt 0 ii a Ll Mt il "The Master of the Temple of War, . Hn DR LL : Ll ed CL LL re ir in ~ Alexader Kane, ii his wife, Amber, i i Hil {ill HRD I Ll and two of the four Duke of War of i ER lH il I Ly \ SL ~ the Temple

i hw on cong RINE Attack prev I TT I I hn dE en TT

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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