Chapter 0594 The twin titans of the sea, the Giant Whale and Wild Wave carrier fleets, surged forth in unison, and the Temple of War was quick to I , catch wind of their advance.

" Your Lordship!" Within the Lord of War's command center, Juno, the Duke of War, was a tempest of fury, bowing deeply before Alexander. "We've been pinpointed by the enemy's Hexagonal Tower.

The Giant Whale and Wild Wave carrier fleets I are on the move!" I I "They'll be upon us in under forty minutes. I beg for the honor of combat, Your Lordship. I I must avenge our revered matriarch and I Maxine, the White Tiger, with my own hands!" Giant Whale and Raging Waves? I Those were the mightiest forces of Umbracia, each carrier fleet led by a formidable Lord of War. Together, they had the firepower to lay waste to ninety percent of the nations on earth.

A challenge far beyond what Juno, Duke of War, could face alone.

"Forty-five minutes... so be it!" With eyes aflame with vengeance, Alexander pivoted and marched from the control room, ascending to the deck with purpose. He gazed toward Umbracia, his entire being alight with the thirst for battle.

"They dared to strike from the shadows, to take Amber and Maxine, the White Tiger, from us. And now they show their teeth? "If they dare to come, I'll ensure it's a one-way trip!" As time raced on, by seven in the evening, The Pacifara Bay roiled with the approach of the Umbracia carriers fleets. The Giant Whale and Wild Wave, mighty as ever, bore down on the eastern seas, closing in on the Lord of War's domain.

Giant Whale, Wild Wave!

Since the mid-20th century, the Umbracia Navy had reigned supreme, its might enough to keep the entire globe at bay. That was until the Temple of War rose to prominence, their carrier fleet quickly outpacing the rest, ‘propelling the Wyverna Navy to new heights of power, even surpassing Umbracia's formidable force.

and Wild Wave carrier groups were Umbracia's pride, their power rivaling even the Lord of War's own carrier fleet, serving as the linchpin of Umbracia's naval dominance. Together, those two groups boasted over a hundred state-of-the-art warships, armed with

was not an overstatement to say that the Giant Whale and Wild Wave alone could

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suddenly shouted, his eyes wide with shock, " An unidentified target is closing in fast on our fleet... Oh God, it's a human!" A human?! On the deck of

was fixed on the horizon, eyes


and youngest of his era, the very man who had sparked this monumental conflict, Alexander! " Wild Wave!" The massive Lord of War, known as the Giant

standing well over 1.8 meters tall, each hand wielding a razor- sharp battle axe. The sea roared beneath him, his presence commanding and fierce. He was none other than the leader of the Wild Wave warriors, the formidable Wild Wave Lord of War himself!

ultimate move! That was the clash of the Lords of War, the pinnacle of human combat, a battle beyond the reach of

Pe I weapons. It was a showdown that would shock the world! "Giant Whale Lord of War, Wild Wave Lord of War..." At that very moment, fifty nautical kilometers away, a swift silhouette kept his eyes fixed on the two Lords of War. He raced across the waves, his feet

Inner power surged from within him, propelling him over the waves

with at least five steps every second. That was the sheer terror of covering a kilometer in a blink! A kilometer in a second, nearly tripling the speed of sound! Alexander was pushing the boundaries of human speed, a velocity reserved for the most formidable Lords of War. More daunting still, he was not just racing


Whale and Wild Wave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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