His Found Lycan Luna Chapter 98 

Kyson POV 

Azalea fell asleep pretty quickly, yet as the sun rose, I knew I had to get out of bed, so I decided to check in with patrols, and with Damian who was meeting me at my office. We were supposed to be heading to the Landeena Kingdom today. Yet not hearing back from Larkin was starting to bother me. He is supposed to let us know by this morning. Yet all week we have haven‘t heard a word from him. 

“Something is going on?” Damian tells me as I hang up the phone from trying to ring Larkin for the third time this morning. It was suspicious. I didn’t know who to trust, but one thing was certain, the council couldn‘t be trusted. 

And neither could anything we thought we knew. Nothing made sense. 

“I think you need to hold off going to the Landeena Kingdom, my King. It isn‘t safe. I have a bad feeling about this,” Damian tells me and the worry was clearly etched on his face. 

“Azalea won‘t like it, but I think you are right,” I tell him, and he sighs in relief just as Gannon steps into my office. 

“How is Abbie?” I ask him when he smirks. He sits down and I press my lips in a line, trying not smile when I see she had finally marked him. 

He clears his throat awkwardly. “Good, yep. Everything is good,” he chuckles, and it was good seeing him for once happy about something. I know he has struggled badly with Abbie and her PTSD. 

Azalea?” he asks, changing the subject. 

“Damian and I were just discussing we should postpone the trip to Landeena,” I answer him. 

“No word from Larkin,” he asks and Damian and I both shake our heads. 

“Nothing,” I answer and Gannon sighs. 

“Do you want me to send Liam and Dustin to the Cypress in search of him?” Gannon asks, but I shake my head and 

scratch my chin while I think about what the best approach would be. 

“Not yet. We will give him today, if no answer by tonight, and he is still unreachable. We storm through the council,” I tell them and they nod. 

wanted to ask me something,

hand, cutting him off, already knowing what he is about

in the cellars. She can have access to them. I will let the guards know,” I tell him and

Paige is one of the children?” Gannon asks us both. Larkin could be lying, but I highly doubted. He genuinely appeared disgusted with Tandi‘s claims and also truly believed Brock didn‘t kill his own

Damian pauses, looking at

not when it comes to children,” Damian nods. And I knew if he couldn‘t find Tandi‘s daughter. The next place he would be

Gannon leaves seeing how happy he was. At least that would be one less thing playing on Azalea‘s mind. Abbie was a constant worry, and after her

a second time. Yet as he goes to walk


you,” I tell him and he sighs, looking at out to the hall before shutting the door. He retakes his seat across from me and I sit back,

“Sia?” | ask. 

asks, and I shake

his head, knowing Liam must have spoken to

you. I want to hear it from you,”

aunty was my mate.” He

you cover up her death?” he

chest. We all saw his scars, we all knew what caused that sort of damage. We also knew something bad happened for him to want to end it. Yet we didn‘t want to pry and I trusted Liam to come to me if he was worried about

her body?” I ask

along with

“The mother?” 

she learned what happened to her

Abbie take

at first, but she understands why I

that all?” I

tell you, my King. I won‘t risk Abbie,”

into Sia‘s background,

know, my King?” he

friend. I am asking for my Queen. Your Queen. If there is anything I need to know, this is your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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