His Found Lycan Luna Chapter 99 

Azalea POV 

Later That Afternoon. 

We sat on the cellar floor, going through documents and photographs. Tandi would hand them off to Abbie when she was done, who would re–stack them back in the boxes. Yet the longer we dug through everything, the more disheartened Tandi became. 

“How old would Paige be now?” I ask her. 

“Seven in February,” she answers with a sigh. 

“Well, that rules out these kids out,” Abbie says, handing me the pile full of toddler photos. 

“We might have to do a DNA test. She could be different from how you remember?” 

“I will recognize her,” Tandi says with confidence. 

“How can you be so sure?” | ask. 

“I‘m her mother, and she has a scar. She had a scar down one side of her face, required stitches, went from her chin to her hairline. She fell off the stairs when she was three and landed on a glass table,” she tells me. 

“Brock beat me good for that one, considering I wasn‘t even watching her. Asshole had me entertaining one of his friends, and he was supposed to be watching her for me. He broke three of my ribs that night,” Tandi says. My stomach drops hearing that as she sifted through the photos. 

“Well, I will start with this pile,” I tell her. Tandi spoke so easily of such tragic circumstances, as if desensitized to her own trauma, it saddened me how much she had suffered since I last saw her at the orphanage, back when she was Taylor 

“This place gives me the creeps,” Abbie says, rubbing her arms as she set the box back on the shelf. I glance over my shoulder at her as she looks around. We spent hours down in the cellars combing through every child‘s information when Tandi tossed the last one in the box. None of them were Paige. She gets up just as Damian walks in to check on us. 

“Hun?” he asks as she walks toward the stairs. She pulls her arm away before he can grab her and runs off up the stairs and he turns looking at me and Abbie. 

“None of them were Paige,” I tell him, heartbroken for Tandi. She was so excited when we came down here only to leave heartbroken. Damian swallows, staring after her as she takes off. 

afternoon off. I will speak to Kyson and

stairs and coming out of the pantry. Yet as I do, I see Tanner, the gardener in the kitchen

help you with?” Clarice says, coming back into the

me but addresses Clarice. “I was going to see if you could ask the King or Queen for a few moments of their time,”

you yesterday this wasn’t your issue. Leave it be,”

What is wrong,

Queen, I will sort it and speak with Kyson. You don‘t need to handle this one,” Clarice says, pushing

calls out

him to her after what he has done?” Clarice snarls, spinning on her heel and

just boy Clarice. How can you say that when you have helped raise him with me, you know how useless his grandparents are with him and Ester, well,” he

him,” I swallow but nod my head and he turns to leave. Clarice watches him go and I could see his words upset

I ask him and he

but I shake my head. Kyson had enough

grandparents kicked him out, and he...” Tanner tries

“He what, Tanner?” 

him into the stables at night,” Tanner

Tanner flinches at her anger. I hold up my


he can cross the river without being seen, my Queen. I know what he did was wrong, but

tell him, but he shakes his head.

She doesn‘t give a shit about him. The moment you kicked them out of here, she left when no one was watching, he has been on his own since,” Tanner tells me and I swallowed.

leave?” Tanner pauses to think for

fruit market she worked at, and he asked for money for food. I asked him why he couldn‘t go home. His grandparents tossed him out and his mother once again abandoned the boy,” he

back at Tanner, he stood nervously waiting for me to say something. “Take me

is coming and”

King. I am not making any decisions without him.” I tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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