The Duke, whose pride as a father was seriously damaged, calmly called for attention instead of throwing an ashtray at his son in rage.


In other words, he changed the subject.


“Whatever the cause was, as soon as the Ice Dragon launched the attack, it became a national issue. Significant figures from all over the world were put at stake.”


“No one died. And all the saved foreigners would be talking in excitement, saying that it was an experience that would never happen again in their lives.”


“About a third of Angvan Palace was smashed. Not to mention the Moon Tower.”


“That’s unfortunate, but if I had died there, you would have been recruiting paladins dreaming about slaying dragons instead of reconstructors by now.”


“How dare you talk about how you could have died in front of your father? Do you think being cheeky will award you with four lives? You don’t know that the life your parents gave you is precious, and dared to run in blindly, just whom can you protect?! I think you’re acting like a pathetic wife!”


There was a long silence, as if cold water was poured on them by the terrifying explosion of Duke Omerta, which reminded them of his old days.


This was because it was an emotional outburst.


An overwhelmingly passionate outburst that a stranger would misunderstand as a father frustrated with his personality wrecking son.


However, those who gathered here had known each other for too long to have such a misunderstanding, so they just had an understanding look on their faces as they stared at the demonic father.


The king leaned forward and asked a question.


“Have you gone mad, Duke?”


“…I apologize, Your Majesty. Forgive my disrespect.”


“Can I say something?”


It was then that Galar, who had been standing very silently and quietly looking at the ceiling, suddenly opened his mouth.


It was unexpected enough for Izek, who was staring at his father with no different eyes from others, to turn his eyes towards him.


The Knight Commander, who had a bitter smile, welcomed the unexpected interruption with an indifferent look.


“Ah, our reliable Sir Galar. There was something I wanted to ask you separately. While I was scolding your friends at the palace, you quietly disappeared alone. Where did you go and what did you do?”




my own way while you all were fighting, against my instructions… and to my surprise, the guys who would usually fight whenever they met were getting along well. I was just moved to think that you all finally understood companionship.… I’m going off-topic. Anyway, I watched a little bit since only the lord knows why my most beloved knights were out there, but Sir Galar, who is considered as one of the most loyal knights, was missing. I couldn’t believe it and thought


“… … .”


manner? Come on, stop hiding with that bear-size of yours and report


was a moment of


commander smiling warmly like a benevolent father, Galar’s gritted teeth with his already harsh face distorted even more. He gave off an aura asking to not


was about to charge at his


wouldn’t have possibly secretly robbed the hive alone in




One might think that Longinus’s Galar was


was an accurate


very embarrassed in his own way and was in

pumpkin-colored eyes slowly turned toward the


had to fix


And Izek did that.


is not the problem right now, Commander. There’s one more person who


you remind us of that person with




spat this out,


exact, it should be


wiggled his eyebrows like a caterpillar in response to his son’s behavior




claiming that this was not worth


conclude that Cardinal Valentino is related to the incident.


I knew Your Majesty




family member of your beloved wife? There is also something very contradictory about the current appearance of the dragon in this place, as good as its attitude had been throughout this


A very valid point.


his stiff-faced colleagues watched him anxiously, and Izek soon smiled


to do with this. I thought you would understand that better than anyone else. Your response is


king’s expression hardened


carefully observing the changing complexion of the knights, also


to mention the Queen’s origin in front of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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