Chapter 415 Marlington

“Wait up!” Lesley shouted.

Charlotte cast Lesley a wary glance. “What is it?” Lesley hurriedly answered, “I have no ill intention, Ms. Schwein. I'm merely aimless. The mountains here are endless. Would you like to travel together?” In his anxiety, he turned red.

Charlotte had never seen a man blush as easily as he did. She was certain that a man like that definitely bore her no ill will. “Sure.”

Lesley was overjoyed.

Marlington was a magical, mysterious place.

The potency of the parasites in Marlington was unparalleled.

The place was also filled with legendary wonders.

During the war, the arrogant Jetroinians never dared invade Marlington. Accurately speaking, they had, but most of their forces had perished when they landed without even seeing the enemy.

Situated in Gablurg, Marlington consisted of mountain ranges and green hills as far as the eye could see.

It was like looking out at a limitless sea of green.

The sun was resplendent at three in the afternoon.

It was also the end of May. Atop the mountains of Gablurg, the days were not very hot but the nights were chilly. Even on the hottest days of summer, the nights were cold.

Because of this, most of the residents in Gablurg had no need for air conditioning at night.

Dressed entirely in black, Simon arrived at the foothills of Gablurg.

He had attained the cultivation of a level-nine Divine Master, and his progress had been nothing short of extraordinary.

By that point, however, the rate of his cultivation had slowed down. There are limits to everything, and speed is not necessarily a good thing.

Simon realized he had hit a plateau. His cultivation level would not increase no matter how much blood he consumed.

His situation was akin to a man who, given a stroke of luck, found his wealth increasing rapidly. At a certain point in his progress, however, he would begin to slow down.

That was an irrefutable fact.

Being able to sustain growth became a matter of knowing where to invest.

At that moment, Simon was no longer under the control of the Heavenly Rebirth Alliance. The elders of the Heavenly Rebirth Alliance had left a spiritual imprint in his cerebral domain.

A mark of that nature was not easily dispellable. If Simon decided to refine it, the imprint would self-destruct.

The cultivation of the elders of the Heavenly Rebirth Alliance was at a terrifying level.

It would be practically impossible for Simon to rid himself of the imprint.

Coincidentally, however, luck is a wonderful thing indeed.

Given Simon's vampiric lineage, his mana could only be turned into combat force at the same time strengthen his cerebral domain.

With such enhancement, his cerebral domain had become invulnerable to spiritual waves and could withstand the assault of any imprint.

Against such fortitude, the threat of the spiritual imprint was negligible.

the spiritual imprint was a bullet, Simon

that juncture, he was

to the country, he

visiting Marlington was

had been seized by a sudden desire

ascended the

Mountain, he found himself

was a trail, which Simon thought was too far, so he

traveled all the way forward at a very high

Simon arrived before a beautiful stretch containing

further, he noticed a valley ahead

hungry, Simon headed

foothills of Emerald Mountain, with a stream at the entrance and a bamboo forest at the

Simon entered, he noticed a tour group entering

a dozen or so people of young, rowdy people

the party, however,

Simon entered the tavern and found a place to

the Marlingtonian, just the two of

in their cultural

forty-year-old woman

or so, was also not a

owner and waitress accidentally overlooked the lone customer as they were serving the

placidly in his seat. He was not anxious, nor did he rush

there on a trip to reminisce, he

tour group some drinks and

lively group, Simon, sitting in solitude, looked as if he had been forgotten

in memories, he

that he was thinking of nothing

a clear,

some peanuts. Here's

voice sounded like a ray

she would

up and saw a girl in white sportswear

girl was about twenty. She smiled sweetly at him, and he

distracting one from

eyes traveled to her hands, which were holding a plate of peanuts and an untouched cup

embarrassed as she met his gaze, she flushed slightly. Then, she

the coffee to Simon when he said

was Mauve Lief, a fourth-year student at Yaleview University. Their professor had

the corner while she

he might be lonely, so she brought some peanuts and coffee as she felt sorry for him. It was plain that Mauve was a

who had a crush on Mauve walked over. His name was Ethan Pickering. He came over and dragged Mauve away. “How many times have I told you not to pay these weirdos

was a little

behind her as soon as she turned. It was cold and

Mauve felt embarrassed.


Simon ignored him.

returned to their seats, and joviality resumed at their table. The incident did not

the waitress, “You have a customer over there. Don't forget to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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