Chapter 416 I Will Take You Away

The growl of death closed in toward the students who lived in an ivory tower.

The wolf pack was vicious yet calm. They wouldn't make the first move until finding out their opponent's capabilities, but that didn't mean they would give up on hunting the prey already in their grasp.

Even though Matthew and the students had never stepped out of the university grounds, they understood that the wolves wouldn't be scared of the lights forever. Once the vicious creatures snooped around and realized the light wouldn't hurt them, they would charge at them without the slightest hesitation.

The minute they launched their attack, Mauve and the rest would die beneath the sharp teeth and claws of the wolves.

A timid woman from the group had started crying from terror. Hearing that, a male student harshly chastised her, “Stop crying! Do you think the situation isn't complicated enough?”

Some students repeatedly drew the sign of the cross over themselves as they prayed in soft sobs.

It was a rather interesting scene.

At that moment, Matthew couldn't even utter a single word in the face of approaching death. He dreaded dying all the same. Despite being an atheist, he prayed for a miracle or the appearance of deities.

However, he couldn't think of any possibility of a miracle happening. No soldier of the heavens would descend upon them.

All colors had drained from Mauve's face. She and her friend huddled together as they quivered in fear.

Still, the women couldn't help but hold unrealistic fantasies about a prince on a white steed or a knight in shining armor showing up and rescuing them from distress, just as it occurred to the female protagonists in the romance books they read or the dramas they watched.

“We're doomed! Doomed!” Shaking fervently like a leaf, a man muttered, “I shouldn't have come! If I had known I was going to die, I wouldn't have come! Oh, God, please give me another chance! I won't choose Geography as my major again! I don't want to die! I'm too young to die! I don't want to die as a virgin!”

In the face of death, the students seemed awfully vulnerable.

Perhaps the wolves had detected the intense despair and vulnerability the group of humans exuded. The alpha of the pack with a silver coat threw its head back and howled.

At the signal, the pack began closing in on the humans.

The humans could clearly see that thirty wolves had surrounded them from two meters away. The alpha wolf seemed threatening even though it didn't bare its fangs. On each of its sides, two wolves bared their sharp, pointed canine teeth at the humans. The creatures' eyes glinted with savage, murderous intent.

Mauve and the rest had no way to escape. They couldn't think of anything to get them out of their peril. The only thing they could do was wait for death to come knocking.

Yet, at that moment, a strange scene happened.

To put it more accurately, a disturbance occurred within the wolf pack.

Immediately after, the wolves were on high alert.

They moved to clear a path.

Mauve and the others glanced at the cleared path with anticipation.

Amidst the darkness and the flickering shadow of torches, they saw a man dressed in black approach them with a stony expression. There was no trace of life on the man. He looked like an apathetic serial killer.

His arrival was enough to frighten the wolf pack.

the man. Isn't that the guy from the tavern? Is he part of the wolf

they stared at Simon with conflicting gazes. He was the

were right because Simon wasn't

over to Mauve and declared,

fearful glance at Simon, she asked dazedly, “Where are

indifferently. His tone was

take my friends

“No,” Simon refused coldly.

“Why?” she asked.

go, then stay here with

take all

or not?”

with you.” Mauve was very

Her determination rendered

of joy crossed Mauve's

peep for fear they would offend Simon upon sensing his

her, he promised

would save them from

wolf. “What are you still doing here?” he

the wolf's eyes. It growled lowly before suddenly jerking its head to the left and

each of its sides let

including Matthew, watched on with dread. They shut

fast. They pounced

flung away just

to where they came from and crashed onto the ground heavily. Their deaths were immediate as

wide-opened eyes and mouths agape. They

sense of security had risen within them at

safe as long as Simon

head back and howled in anger

instant, the remaining


his own. The loud roar reverberated across the

bleeding, and

the others covered their ears as their faces scrunched up

attacked. He leaped toward the alpha wolf

slaughtered ten wolves in

of light, and his attack was overwhelming. There wasn't even the slightest bit of hesitation

crushed and flattened

weren't brainless creatures either. Seeing the situation was no longer in their favor, they quickly turned tail and fled. Shortly after, every hint of them was gone from Mauve's

the carcasses of thirteen wolves were left at

out of their daze and looked at Simon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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