Chapter 222

The girl feigned enlightenment as she exclaimed, "Oh, so that's how it's done! No wonder I couldn't get the right swing before. You're a brilliant teacher, President Parker!"

Elijah managed a smile and let go of her wrist.

She looked down and mumbled self-deprecatingly, "Gosh, I'm so stupid. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time."

"It's fine. You just need some practice, that's all," Elijah said politely.

He decided to leave because he didn't want to stay and coach her any longer. However, to round out her act, the girl gasped and purposely tripped forward, stumbling right into his arms.

Elijah caught her instinctively but frowned without saying anything.

The girl blushed and said slowly, "Ugh, I'm such a klutz. Thank you for catching me, President Parker."

He said curtly, "Seeing as you're alright, maybe you should get on your feet."

She reluctantly detached herself from him after hearing this.

When Elijah had walked away, the girl gripped her club and traipsed over to where her peers were gathered on the other side of the driving range.

One of them gave her a thumbs-up while praising her earnestly, "That was amazing, Miranda! I can't believe you got President Parker to toss that woman aside just to help you out with golf."

Miranda quirked her lips as a smug look flashed in her eyes. "Well, that was nothing. I have more tricks up my sleeve."

"You know, I'm still a little confused as to why President Parker would want someone else's old toy."

"What's so confusing about that? He probably likes a pretty face. I mean, celebrities sleep with rich and powerful men all the time. It's practically an open secret in the entertainment industry."

"That's true. I bet President Parker sees her as only a plaything. Nothing serious will come of it."

"But there must be something extraordinary about that woman if she could have history with someone from the Pearson Family. I just hope President Parker isn't on the losing end of the bargain."

Miranda was unperturbed. "How extraordinary can she be? That pretty face is probably the only thing she has going for her."

"I suppose that's an advantage in and of itself," someone mused wistfully. "Everyone was calling her a homewrecker and a tramp for a time."

While Miranda and her friends tore into salacious gossip, Elijah walked up to Leanna on the opposite end of the driving range. He said, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Leanna."

Leanna smiled. "Don't worry about it. It's not as if I had anything planned to begin with."

He glanced around the range and asked, "Do you play golf? Want me to teach you?"

She likely hadn't expected him to offer, for she gave him a bewildered look. "Huh?"

"It's easier than you think. Why don't you give it a try?"

Now that he had encouraged her, she thought it might be rude to turn him down. After all, she was going to try golf one way or another, so it was pointless to refuse his coaching when he offered. Nodding, she said, "Okay."

Then, Elijah took out the clubs from the locker. He was about to teach Leanna the basics when his assistant hurried out onto the range and whispered something to him. Whatever it was made him blanch, and he quickly said, "Tell them I'll be there in just a moment."

The assistant nodded and hastily went back.

Elijah set the clubs down and apologized to Leanna, "I'm sorry, but something came up. Stay here and wait for me. I'll be right back."

"Go," Leanna replied understandingly.

He opened his mouth as though to say something, but in the end, he slipped away without another word.

Leanna looked around the turf, sat on one of the benches, and then pulled out her phone to text Zoe.

It took all but a second for Zoe to call her. "Hey, Sweetie. I can't text right now. Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"You're not actually dropping college kids home, are you?" Leanna asked doubtfully.

Zoe sputtered on the other line. "I was joking! I can't believe you'd fall for that."

"So, then, what are you doing?"

"I'm applying makeup; I have a very important date tonight. What about you? Are you and Elijah having a good time? Is he boyfriend material?"

Leanna pursed her lips as she paused in thought. She looked up at the cerulean sky and sighed, then said, "Would you believe me if I told you that I ran into Aidan here?"

There was no answer from Zoe at first, then she replied, "I actually would."

After Aidan threatened her the last time, Zoe decided that the b*stard would go to any length just to get what he wanted. She didn't have the heart to tell Leanna about it; rather, she was coerced into secrecy.

Leanna exhaled. "I almost believed he followed me all the way here, but as it turned out, I was reading too much into it. Thank goodness I didn't confront him about it, otherwise he'd have mocked me for thinking so highly of myself."

Zoe inquired carefully, "But what if he really did follow you all the way there?"
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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