Chapter 223

Leanna had half a mind to swing the club right into the back of his head if it didn't constitute murder.

Aidan again covered her hand, holding it firmly as he snapped, "Don't look at me; look ahead."

Not at all bothered by her obvious aversion toward him, he reached around her to grip the club, but in doing so, he caged Leanna in his arms. He asked thoughtfully, "Did Elijah decide to just leave you here on your own?"

She countered matter-of-factly, "He probably didn't think a scumbag would approach me in broad daylight."

Aidan scoffed. "Don't blow things out of proportion. I'm only trying to teach you how to golf."

She shot back, "Thanks, but no thanks."

"It'll look bad on me if you don't even know how to swing, even though we've been married for three years," he pointed out icily.

Leanna was rendered speechless by how brazen he was.

Not wanting to waste another moment on inane small talk, Aidan instructed curtly, "Bend your waist and keep your grip on the club."

She took a deep breath. She couldn't get out of his arms now, so she did as she was told. A few seconds later, she couldn't help saying, "I have a question, President Pearson."

Aidan kept his gaze on the club and looked focused as he asked icily, "What?"

"Do coaches normally keep such a close distance to their pupils during golf training?"

He raised his brow. "Yes."

A small smile curled on Leanna's lips as she said, "I saw Elijah teach someone how to play golf earlier, and it's nothing like this."

As things were, Aidan was but an inch away from pressing up against her entirely, which was further proof of his scumbag tendencies.

However, he was not in the least bit guilty as he cast her a frosty sideways glance. "That just means Elijah isn't much of a golfer. It's either that or he did not intend to teach that person how to play golf."

She felt the vein near her temple start to bulge.

Leanna was about to argue with Aidan when he suddenly released her and took a step back. "Forget it. Your lack of talent in golf makes this session wholly frivolous. It'd be a waste of my time to try and coach you."

With that, he spun on his heels and walked away.

She glowered at his back and gritted her teeth. Never had she been so exasperated and angry that she was at a complete loss for words. He's insufferable!

Leanna tossed the club back into the holder, realizing everyone on the driving range had gone. She took deep breaths and regained composure, but when she was about to leave, Elijah came through the entryway and said, "I'm so sorry that took a while, Leanna. Shall we pick up where we left off with the golf?"

She turned him down without hesitation. "No, it's fine. I tried swinging on my own just now. I guess the sport just doesn't agree with me."

Elijah did not take this to heart and merely suggested, "How about we just stroll around the resort, then?"

They did just that, and by the end of their stroll, the sky was already darkening with twilight colors.

Most employees had returned to their hotel rooms to prepare for the gala tonight. Elijah walked Leanna back to her room and glanced at the time on his wristwatch. "Another two hours to go before the gala starts. Get some rest. I'll come and pick you up later."

She was rather tired as well, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

When Leanna entered the room and shut the door, she trudged over to the bed and lay down. She set her alarm for an hour, then slipped under the covers to take a short nap.

However, her eyes had only just fluttered closed when she heard the sound of a cartoon playing from the balcony, and the cacophony of exaggerated voices was making it hard for her to drift into sleep.

Leanna bolted upright, got out of bed, and slipped into her shoes before padding out to the balcony. That was when she realized that the sound was coming from next door.

While she had seen the b*stard on the same floor, not earlier this morning, she couldn't be sure he was actually staying here. After all, he was only here to assess the resort's overall performance. She had run into him this morning while he was inspecting the room next door for all she knew.

More importantly, she didn't peg him as the type to watch cartoons.

Leanna returned to her room and called the front desk, then told the receptionist to give the guest next door a gentle reminder to turn down the volume on their television. The receptionist agreed and promised to handle the matter swiftly.

Reassured, Leanna shuffled back to bed and tried to get some rest. Unfortunately, she had only lied down for about ten minutes when the noise started again from next door. This time, it was accompanied by thumping sounds.

She groaned as she opened her eyes, exhaustion, and frustration washing over her. Of course, her luck would take a turn for the worse after she ran into Aidan. It was as though seeing him had granted her an affinity for unpleasant experiences and nothing more.

The thumping and the noise continued while she lay in bed. At last, she pushed the covers off her, stormed out of the room, and then knocked on the door next to hers.

When the door swung open, she immediately regretted her decision to confront the person.

Presently, Aidan eyed her without much interest. However, his eyes glimmered darkly like she had come to his room for other not-so-obvious reasons.

Leanna let out a bark of laughter. "Can you please keep it down, President Pearson? Some of us are trying to sleep here."
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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