Chapter 6

Oliver stared at the piece of old mine material for a few seconds, and information quickly flashed through his mind.

As soon as he saw the identification message, he felt relieved. His newfound special ability seemed to be effective even on raw jadeite!

The message read: [This old mine material from Morrowton Pit has formed approximately 92 million years ago. It was excavated on September 18, 2020. The total weight is 90.6 pounds, with the jade core weighing 17 pounds. The core is mixed with impurities and contains numerous cracks. The transparency index is 0.12.]

Oliver then saw a 360-degree high-definition image of the jade core.

[Craftsmanship level: Unprocessed.]

[Value assessment: 200 dollars.]

As Oliver absorbed the information, a wave of disappointment washed over him as he realized that the finest-grade old mine material was valued at a mere 200 dollars. It seemed that those who took the risk of gambling were going to face devastating losses.

What’s more, Oliver’s identify skill even showed him a 360-degree high-definition image of the jade core!

With a mix of astonishment and excitement, Oliver examined the mental image further. In his mind, a complete, shell-less jade core appeared. He could even rotate and view it from any angle.

The shape, size, texture, and every other aspect of this jade core were clearly and vividly displayed.

Oliver could even mentally dissect the jade core from any position and observe its inner composition.

Unfortunately, a large part of the jade core was riddled with cracks, filled with impurities, and, in technical terms, utterly worthless.

Oliver then turned his attention to the second piece of old mine material. It turned out to be worse than the previous one, valued at a mere 180 dollars.

The third piece of the old mine material was slightly better, but still, it was only worth 600 dollars. It was safe to say that the three blocks of finest-quality old mine material were nothing short of disappointments.

There were 14 pieces of raw stone on the display counter, but starting from the fourth piece, they were no longer high-quality old mine material. It was just that their external appearance still seemed somewhat presentable.

At the end of the display counter, there was a pile of stones without any accompanying information. The external appearance of these stones was poor, and they were the kind that Willie purchased in bulk at scrap prices. They were effectively of no value and served as practice materials for novices to sharpen their skills.

Oliver meticulously examined each stone, but raw stones number four to fix were all filled with impurities and deemed worthless.

As Oliver came across the stone number seven, his heart skipped a beat.

The information said: [Rough jade stone from Ossory in Manchernius. Formed 100 million years ago and was excavated on August 27, 2020. The total weight is 35 pounds, with the jade core weighing four pounds. Jade core’s purity is at grade three, and the transparency index is 3.7.]

A 360-degree high-definition image of the jade core was shown next.

[Craftsmanship: Unprocessed.]

[Value assessment: Equivalent to 110 thousand dollars.]

“This one is valuable!” Oliver exclaimed in his heart.

of 110 thousand dollars, Oliver’s

remaining pieces from stone number eight to

only stone number seven, worth 110 thousand dollars,

one piece was valuable, he wondered how much it would cost in the auction and how

half of the 110 thousand dollars with Hailey. 55,000 dollars

the end of the display counter, there

look at them

upon something valuable.

going to take three seconds for him.

mind, Oliver started inspecting the

examining dozens of stones, they turned out to be even worse than the

jade stone from Ossory in Manchernius. Formed 100 million years ago and was excavated on August 27, 2020. The total weight is

360-degree high-definition image of the jade

[Craftsmanship: Unprocessed.]

Equivalent to 960 thousand dollars.]

“Goodness!” Oliver thought.

Finally, he had found

was a whopping 960 thousand dollars! If he managed to acquire it, it could

nobody had paid attention to the pile of

arouse any suspicions,” Oliver

raw stones. However, there was not a single

was 10 o’clock.

his way to the

gentlemen, my old friends, and my loyal customers. Thank you for coming, and welcome to my humble abode.”

“This time, I’ve spent a fortune on three top-quality old mine materials from the Morrowton Pit in the official auction of Manchernius. I believe you have all observed them. Additionally, although stones number four to fourteen were not old mine materials, they are still good pieces with decent appearance. Alright, an old friend is complaining already. I’ll stop talking now, and let’s get straight

asked Oliver quietly, “Did you find any promising stones?”

two.” Oliver nodded and

and asked, “Are they among those three stones? I

those three old mine materials. Hailey couldn’t help but wonder whether the 1 million

go into details. It wasn’t convenient with so many people around.

old mine materials, so the auction for other stones

number 14 was eventually sold

a final

went for a bit less, at only 1,000

was sold for

showed little interest in these ordinary stones. Their minds were set on the high-stakes

under 2,000 dollars, with only a few people

stone number seven, where the starting price was 600

raised the bid to 800

his hand and called out 1,000 dolla

one else bid higher, but the previous bidder raised the bid to 1,200 dollars.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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