Chapter 7

Seeing as the auction came to a “successful” end, Willie greeted everyone with a cheerful smile, “The auction is over. For those who won the raw stones, I’ll offer free on-site service if you wish to cut them here. Otherwise, feel free to take them back and cut them yourself.”

Following his lead, the bidders and onlookers headed toward the stone-cutting area.

Oliver glanced at the raw stone counter and approached one of the staff members. “Hey, I’d like to try my luck again. How much are these raw stones?”

The staff glimpsed at him and waved a hand. “These are 200 dollars each. Take whichever one you like.”

“Okay, I’ll try my luck with one, then!” Oliver casually picked up the stone he had already set his eyes on.

Next, he paid 200 dollars through a QR code at the counter, and the female cashier stamped a seal on the flat surface of the raw stone, indicating that it was a done deal..

Since it was only 200 dollars, Hailey didn’t rush to pay for it, merely following Oliver curiously. “The other raw stone that he has high hopes about is scrap?” she wondered.

At the stone-cutting area, a large crowd had gathered around the stone-cutting machine.

They were observing the cutting of raw stone number three.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, holding their breaths, watching the slightly limping experienced worker proceed with the stone cutting.

Oliver asked the staff to bring his two raw stones over and joined the crowd to witness the stone-cutting process by the


Excitement filled the air. This was the most thrilling moment in stone gambling, where the fate of fortunes hung in the balance, ready to be determined in the blink of an eye.

Once the raw stone was cut, the experienced worker turned off the switch, opened the lid of the stone-cutting machine, and gingerly retrieved the freshly cut piece. Then, he wiped the remnants of stone debris and fine powder away using a damp cloth, inspected the stone, and shook his head. “It’s a scrap!”

It was a complete failure!

Although the jade core inside the raw stone was not small, it was full of impurities and cracks, thus not very valuable.

Stone number three’s owner blanched and clutched his chest, croaking, “Again… Cut it again.”

He had spent 752 thousand dollars, hoping to strike it rich, but instead, the money had gone down the drain.

The experienced worker remained silent, repositioned the raw stone, and made another cut.

When customers who paid a lot of money for scraps were indignant, the worker generally did as told without objection.

His face was deeply lined with traces of age as he skillfully operated the stone-cutting machine by securing the half piece of stone and making another precise cut.

Once the cut was completed, he turned off the switch, opened the machine’s lid, and used a damp cloth to wipe the cut surface clean before presenting it to the customer.

“Sir, there’s no need to make another cut anymore.”

Despite a second cut, the stone’s inner core remained full of impurities and cracks.

Now, it was beyond salvation.

Stone number three’s owner’s face fell. He muttered in frustration but had no other choice than to accept the outcome.

Witnessing that, the owner of stone number two hesitated for a moment and decided not to cut the stone anymore. Instead, he would ask his worker to do it at home.

In reality, several major players who participated in the session owned gold stores and specialized in selling jade wares, hence having their own workers and machinery.

The experienced worker asked, “Is there anyone else who wants their stone cut?”

one.” He then instructed the

expensive piece

would you like me to

the decision to the worker. “You have plenty of experience in cutting

good. Further down would be the bracelet materials. If it’s good material,

on this stone. It’d

worker secured the stone on the machine, closed the lid, and

stone-cutting machine’s lid

contact with the

found the sound unbearable. They merely stared at the machine

few minutes later, the sound subsided, and the worker turned off the power to open

held their breaths and fixed their

damp cloth to clean the cut surface. Though he showed no expression,

jade was grayish-white and filled with

worst kind

couldn’t help

that cut hadn’t revealed the jade core, there would have been a chance for him to ask the worker to make another cut, for the jade core could

quality of it could basically be determined. Typically, the quality of jade within the same piece wouldn’t vary significantly

was up to a 99% chance that making another cut would reveal the same worthless junk as it showed

Manuel again. How about.

answered sullenly, “Go ahead”

worker no longer spoke, for he had also misjudged. “This stone has such a great appearance and is the highest bid of the day, yet it turns out to be nothing but worthless junk. No one will even buy it for 2,000 dollars. Looks like the 1.04 million dollars spent bidding this

a second cut, he sighed softly

same fragmented and flawed junk, swearing to himself, “Fuck! This

all had dreams of striking it rich, gambling was ultimately gambling. Nine out of ten times, the house always

“Thank heavens Oliver held my hand and stopped me from bidding it. If not, I would’ve been the one losing

“Anyone else wants to make

up. “I do. Sir, I’ll

stone labeled as number seven and

he couldn’t be certain about the accuracy of his ability. Therefore, this

was nothing inside the raw stone, it meant his ability was merely

it were accurate and correct, his life would be forever

of identifying any object, he would be more confident than even the world’s wealthiest

lifted the

exclaimed the nonchalant worker all of a sudden. His exclamation immediately drew everyone’s attention.

the cut surface. The cut section of the raw stone displayed a combination of white and green colors, but

It’s a lucky bet!”

could say anything, Hailey jumped in excitement. “Oliver, you really did

the cut surface and nodded. “The quality of this jade is not bad. It’s negligibly inferior to pure jade, but the color is even. There’s a slight crack on the left side, but the right side is pretty good. At


you spent 1,400 dollars on this stone, right? Based on this cut surface, it’s a real gamble to expect two bracelets’ materials. How about this?

the decision up to him. “You can decide,”

nodded decisively and said to the experienced worker,

proceeded to do

in size to the previous cut. There were no cracks

staring at it, having not expected Oliver to have

“You’re so lucky, pal. This is already sufficient for two bracelets and several pendants. After processing into finished products, they can be sold for about 160 thousand dollars. The price of unprocessed jade is typically half of the estimated value.


far from what his eyes had assessed. The actual prices in this line of business were hard to determine, so 80,000 dollars was more or less

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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