Chapter 22

Oliver was stunned.

The waitress hurriedly persuaded him. “Sir, there’s no need to have another bottle. You can’t drink anymore. Your girlfriend is drunk!”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Oliver explained, regardless of whether the waitress believed him. Then, he went over to help the girl and asked her, “Hey, wake up. How are you supposed to go home like this?”

The girl seemed to become sensitive when she heard “go home.” Without opening her eyes, she mumbled, “I won’t go home.

Go to the hotel… hotel.”

Oliver was drunk and almost passed out. The waitress brought the card reader, and Oliver paid the bill, which totaled 2,300 dollars, in the private room.

He could not drive in that situation. After paying the bill, Oliver went downstairs and almost hugged the girl. He wanted to hail a taxi at first but when he looked up, he saw that the next building was a hotel. Without thinking further, he supported the girl and helped her to the hotel’s lobby.

The receptionist needed their social security cards. Oliver put the girl down on the couch in the lobby, looked through her bag, and found her social security card.

The girl was good-looking, and the bare-faced photo on her passport was also very eye-catching. Her name was Sienna Kaiserman. She was born in 1996 and was only 24 years, making her one year younger than Oliver.

After checking in, Oliver staggered and held Sienna in his arms, getting her to the guest room on the 19th floor.

Entering the room, Oliver threw Sienna on the bed and fell beside her. He panted heavily and was exhausted.

It was best not to move when one was drunk. If he moved vigorously, the alcohol would be easier to travel in the blood, causing the acceleration of intoxication.

With that, Oliver passed out.

The next morning, Sienna woke up leisurely while stretching her body before opening her eyes.

The room was unfamiliar to her, and she did not seem to have any impression of it.

Sienna’s mind was muddled. It took her a long time to remember something. The previous evening, she seemed to go to Victoria Steakhouse for a blind date. However, she got drunk and did not remember anything.

to her side and saw a pair of eyes widened and stared at

a pair of man’s eyes on a

the fuck!” she cursed.

but kicked the man out of bed.

found out that he was naked.

quilt was removed, Sienna realized that she was

screamed as well before pulling

He could not get the quilt from Sienna, so he hid under the bed

anger as she raged, “How dare you

“I didn’t. I don’t know what happened. Yesterday, you said that you wanted to drink. I’m

and slowly remembered that Oliver did not force her to drink. She caused trouble after indulging herself the previous

wanted to slap

view, she was making a trap for herself, so she could

an eyesore. Their clothes were scattered

clothes and said, “You! Go

have my clothes

I’ll kill you. I’ll close my eyes. Who would want to look

quickly picked up their clothes. He threw

on his clothes.

to overthink and ran toward the door after dressing up.

Sienna suddenly stopped him and said fiercely, “I’ll certainly finish you off if you

sounded like she really would

anymore. He fled in embarrassment when he got out of the room. When he sat on Porsche 911

of how the incident happened. However, seen from the scenes of him and Sienna that morning, he would not believe it if nothing had happened between them on the

happened, Oliver could not

a headache.

there were 11

directly. He would probably

she took out her phone. and found that she had 16 missed calls from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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