Chapter 23

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Oliver changed his clothes and came out. He said to Joanna, “Come with me.”

“Won’t you have breakfast?” Joanna pointed to the oatmeal she had served.

“No, I’m not hungry,” Oliver said while putting on his shoes.

Joanna did not ask any more questions. She quickly changed her shoes and went downstairs with him.

Oliver drove Joanna straight to Juset Riveria Residences and opened the door with the key.

Joanna was instantly shocked by the big and luxurious mansion. She carefully asked, “Oliver, are you getting me to this house as a housekeeper? Dad’s-”

Oliver could not help but flick on Joanna’s head again. “What housekeeper? I get you here to be the homeowner. Pick whichever room you like on the second and third floors. This place belongs to us!”.

Joanna was stunned and still could not believe it. “Oliver, this… Are you lying to me?”

Sofia’s house was considered sold with the furniture inside. She had no other houses and could not move the furniture away. She took the money and returned to her hometown to stay away from that place.

It was an advantage for Oliver as he did not have to buy furniture.

The mansion had a building area of 3,700 square feet and an exclusive garden area of 2,880 square feet.

The second floor covered an area of 3200 square feet and had four bedrooms. Each bedroom was well-equipped, with an area of 800 square feet. The dressing room and bathroom were all luxurious.

The third floor was 2,200 square feet wide and had a garden area of 1,000 square feet. There was only one bedroom on the whole floor. It was equipped with a living room, study, and dressing room for the homeowners, looking luxurious and prestige.

Joanna was dazzled by the view. In her opinion, she would be satisfied even with the housekeeper’s room on the first floor. Obviously, Oliver would not let her live in the housekeeper’s room.


second floor. The bedroom on the third floor was too huge. Oliver originally

I’ll call a moving company later. Just keep an eye on the progress. If there’s anything that’s not necessary, you can leave them behind. Later, you can go shopping. Buy anything that’s

million dollars on the previous day, Oliver could earn 6.8 million

did not dare to say the sum. He was afraid of scaring Joanna. Thus, he only let her know that he had


the property deed to Joanna. After thinking for a while, he reminded her, “When Dad comes home after surgery, you can sign up to learn how to drive. I’ll buy

name on it in a daze. Oliver pinched her cheek, smiled, and

glass of hot water. Glancing at several other female colleagues, she whispered to ask Oliver, “Why are you not home? I didn’t see your car

faintly, “Don’t go there again. I moved, Besides, I may not be at home every night. It’ll be bad if others see you and

misunderstood?” Yvonne was a little angry and wanted to

away. He asked Queenie to open

Yvonne. “Yvonne, you’re love-struck. Do

I would be blind. No matter what you’re doing, you stare at Mr. Eastwood and giggle. It would be

more and reached out to cover

not back down and tickled

were not

the glass counter, she walked over and asked Yvonne quietly, “Yvonne, do you really like Mr.

two years and just felt that he has changed a lot these

She felt the sweetness in her heart as if she was in love. Several girls thought Yvonne had seen Oliver become a store manager with a bright

Yvonne personally saw what happened to Sofia the day before the previous day and that Oliver made more than 2 million dollars just

Oliver with Sofia’s mansion.

was different than she thought. Although Hailey had offered a high salary and mansion to Oliver, she did not look at Oliver differently.

of dating Oliver. Otherwise, she would not dare to

several times, Yvonne also found that Oliver’s identification skills were excellent. Hailey treated Oliver well because he was much better than Samuel in eyesight.

was a great talent with a high salary

Samuel, and his future was immeasurable. Yvonne thought that Oliver was a phenomenal man. She would not suffer losses if she had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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