Chapter 24

Although the five girls got along well at ordinary times, Yvonne hid Oliver’s secret of being rich and didn’t say a word about it.

After work, Yvonne locked the door and wanted to leave with Oliver, but he tried to shove her away again. Yvonne wouldn’t fall for that. As soon as the door was locked, she took a few steps and stood before Oliver.

“Oliver, are you looking down on people now that you’re the store manager?”

Oliver sighed and stuck his head out of the window. “I have something urgent to do.”

Yvonne ignored his words, turned around, opened the door, and entered the car. She pouted and said, “I’ll go with you no matter what!”

Oliver’s head hurt, and he felt terrible to be straightforward with her. After all, they worked in the same store and would see each other frequently.

“Forget it. I don’t feel like doing it anymore.” Initially, he wanted to make an excuse, but it was pointless now that he couldn’t get rid of her. He asked, “Where are you going? Home? I’ll give you a ride!”

However, Yvonne stopped him from wanting to send her home. “I’m hungry. Let’s go for dinner and watch a movie tonight. I think a new romantic film was released recently!”

Oliver couldn’t help but feel perplexed and thought, “What should I do?”

Yvonne glanced at him and said bitterly, “Are you reluctant to spend money? I’ll buy you dinner and movie tickets. Is that all right?”

“Sure, sure. It’s all up to you.”

Oliver gave

in as he was no match for Yvonne if he wanted to argue with her.

After getting on the road, Oliver asked while driving, “What do you want to eat? Where are we going?”

Yvonne smiled and said, “It’s up to you. You can take me wherever you want. I’m fine with whatever you want to eat.”

Oliver thought awhile and said, “Let’s go to the food vendor at the east market. There’re many people there, and most importantly, the food tastes good.”

Yvonne took out the makeup mirror from her bag to check her makeup and said casually, “Sure. Anywhere will do.”

didn’t care about the place as long

seemed to feel that Oliver was not cold to her, so she took the initiative.

went on.

As long as she was more humble and took the initiative, she didn’t believe that Oliver was a man who failed to understand women’s

went, it was easier for a woman to pursue a man. A beautiful

were famous. The food tasted good and was affordable, so

least 50 vendors at the


there. The most expensive car there was just around 90,000 dollars. It was rare to see a Porsche 911 at the place.

of the car and caught more attention. Most of the people glanced at her and Oliver with envy

and admiration.

If one’s not rich, he shouldn’t dream of marrying a

with a smile. “Please have a seat. Is

it, and ordered some specialties

of smiles. Generally, a small group of people would not order a lot or anything expensive, unlike the two who ordered more than a large

noisy and many men stared at her lustfully, Oliver was not stingy and ordered so much seafood

and took several photos, with one hand holding her phone and

He wanted to move away, but Yvonne held him tightly and leaned closer, acting like

break free but felt bad to shove her

girl like Yvonne snuggled up in his arms warmly made Oliver feel complacent.

rich and owned a house.


bring himself to treat Yvonne with enthusiasm at once. Isabel treated him well when he was with her but kicked

poor again, will Yvonne kick

large plate of spicy prawns and two grilled




peeled a lobster, dipped it in the sauce, and brought the fat and delicious flesh to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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