Chapter 166

One million Oros was enough for Denise to buy a nice local house and cover her mother’s medical expenses.

As for her career, Denise really wanted to quit. The economy was slowing down and flights were cutting back. She now earned just enough money for her basic needs.

In the restaurant, Denise was absent-mindedly eating delicious food. During her time with Oliver these days, she felt that Oliver was not only rich but also kind-hearted, so she couldn’t help thinking of entrusting him with her life.

But after Hailey suddenly appeared, Denise was keen to find that Hailey definitely had a close relationship with Oliver. She couldn’t help feeling humble.

She was definitely a beautiful woman in terms of appearance, but Hailey was more attractive than her. In addition, she and Oliver were from the same country, which naturally made her feel inferior to Hailey. But Denise found later that Hailey and Oliver weren’t really close. They didn’t even talk much or get together in private.

They didn’t look like a couple.

Denise could not help but get her hopes up again. If Hailey and Oliver weren’t a couple, she would have a chance.

Oliver had no idea of what was going on in Denise’s head. As soon as his pressure disappeared, he began to pamper himself with food.

Wayne and Simon were relieved and enjoyed the seafood.

While they were eating, Shark came. He joined them with a smile and waved to a waiter for more food.

Shark whispered to Oliver with a smile as he ate, “Oliver, I’ll take you somewhere later.”

“Okay.” Oliver nodded with a smile.

After dinner, Shark arranged for a female manager of the hotel to show Hailey and Denise around the shopping mall, and then got Oliver, Wayne, and Simon in a car.

Shark also brought two bodyguards.

As soon as Oliver saw Shark send the two girls away, he became suspicious.

As expected, the place Shark took Oliver and his friends to was a club for the rich.

don’t have to watch your boss here. Just enjoy yourselves. Don’t worry about how much it costs. All of your expenses

at each

from the entrance of this place, there were layers of security, and the outer edge was even more tightly guarded. This was where rich people came to spend money, so

girl he knew to play a game. Oliver was wandering around the club hall

as open as Shark, but it was okay to open

either rich or high-ranked. Waiters respected

slipped into an attic in the corner. He wanted to find a quiet place to play with his mobile phone, but he didn’t expect that someone was

When Oliver saw this woman’s face, he was

a 23-year-old typical Oropa woman, strikingly beautiful. His

Spy With My Secret

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than Hailey and Sienna, but her face was as pale as

lips were particularly dazzling. She was holding a glass of bright red wine, and there seemed to be a drop of bright red liquid in the corner of her mouth, which was as red as blood. Oliver nodded to

said lightly, “Whatever. You can stop it now if you want to hit on me. I’m

“Good. I’m not interested in

snorted and ignored him. She drew a tissue to wipe

her anymore, but when he saw the bright red juice in her mouth, he paused for

his mind: [Human blood, type AB, leaving the body for 21 minutes. The source is a

detailed address

woman drank not wine, but

a creepy feeling and

woman a pervert or a murderer?

Oliver’s sudden change of expression, the girl was a little surprised. Ordinary men always threw themselves at

by her beauty, but suddenly he changed and looked scared. What was going

are you? I’ve never seen you before!” the girl asked

stared at her and replied, “It’s my

girl nodded and said, “Why don’t you have

it had been for other men, they would have answered that it was because she was too pretty and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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