Chapter 167


The woman was stunned. She looked at her glass and asked Oliver, “Do you know what kind of drink I’m drinking?”

“Human blood, the fresh blood of teenagers,” Oliver said calmly.

The woman was stunned again and stared at Oliver in surprise.

The woman thought, ‘Most people would run away if they knew I wasn’t drinking wine or drinks, but blood.

But why doesn’t this Clusian man show any fear at all?’

In fact, Oliver had already identified the blood in her cup, so the shock in his heart had subsided long ago, thinking that she just had a special hobby as a rich person.

The woman asked Oliver again after a while, “If you know what I’m drinking, why aren’t you scared?”

Oliver spread out his hands and said, “Everyone has their own freedom and hobbies. Why would I care about anyone else’s business?”

The woman tried to calm herself down for a moment before she asked Oliver, “So how do you know that? How do you know it’s not wine but blood?”

Oliver said indifferently, “Well… I can tell you that I have a special skill, which is to recognize the essence of something at a glance.”

The woman was a little curious. After thinking for a while, she said, “Since you are also a doctor, do you know the reason why I am not feeling well?”

“Yes, I do,” Oliver nodded and said. “The blood you drink has a high concentration of lead. This man has lead poisoning. I assume your body is very sensitive to lead, so you immediately react to your discomfort, and you need to go to the hospital and get your stomach pumped and fluids to dilute the lead in your blood.”

“Lead?” The woman was stunned again, and then thought about it carefully. Then she suddenly understood something.

She thought, “My body has the same symptoms as lead poisoning, but my family is so prominent, so who would dare to poison me?”

her family had experienced lead poisoning, and she hadn’t, so she didn’t

were indeed similar to

the tabletop, and then turned the mouth of the glass upside down, pouring the

silver paper one by one. Oliver also stared closely at the blood dripping on the silver paper. Suddenly, it seemed that there was some chemical reaction. It suddenly exploded and turned into a cloud of

“It’s really lead poison!”

blankly. She thought, ‘Is this young man with a Clusian face

knew I was poisoned by lead just by touching my wrist, and he knew it was the cup of blood that contained

by some enemy

trying to set a trap for

surprise and suspicion in her eyes, and

and said, “Do you think

that, Oliver got

big, and he could find another place to pass the

She’s gorgeous, but she’s so weird, and I hate her taste for blood. Does she really think she’s

woman stared at him and didn’t say anything to

ulterior motive towards her. She wanted to

Oliver left

come back after more than ten minutes. Thinking about the amazing medical skills Oliver had just

time until thirty or forty minutes later,

When Oliver

proudly showed off his ability to conquer, patted Oliver again,

Oliver said, “Not bad.”

woman who drank blood. Oliver didn’t want to get into trouble or pursue the foreign girl, so Oliver wasn’t interested in her, no matter how

laughed all the way and said that he would take Shark to some other

them to the hotel, and as soon as they stepped out of the car, two tall, strong men in black suits

strong man handed over an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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