Chapter 37

Roy threw a fierce look at the laughing man.

“What? I’m not allowed to laugh?” Gloated a man behind her.

Roy was furious originally but she endured it after seeing the laughing man clearly.

She took a deep breath and said coquettishly, “Jaron, why are you laughing at me? You know me. I’m different from the other girls who live by their faces every day. I spend all my time improving myself, to the neglecting of my appearance. You are different from other men, too. You must not be so superficial, right?”

Roy’s delicate tone combined with her dandruff, which formed a ridiculous. picture.

Jaron took a few steps back in horror, “No, no. I’m superficial, more superficial than any other men! Stay away from me, please.”

While backing away, Jaron cast a look at Susan.

Not bearing the garlic smell in Roy’s mouth, Susan followed him knowingly.

The two of them moved away from Roy as rapidly as possible.

Looking at their backs as they left together, Roy stomped her feet angrily.

Men, as expected, liked beautiful women.

Even Jaron was no more than a superficial man.

People like Susan, who dressed up all the time, were nothing but a dumb blonde.

“Does she have the inner beauty like me?”

But these men only cared about appearances.

Roy took a deep breath.

She wouldn’t be bothered by these people.

The interview at the headquarters would start soon.

If she could work in the Programming Department in the headquarters…

Chapter 37

Then Susan didn’t even have the qualification to serve her!

As for the possibility of Susan working the headquarters‘ Programming Department, Roy didn’t even consider it.

In her mind, she could fail in appearance but never in ability.

Thinking of that, Roy raised her head and walked into Storm Group confidently.

Getting away from Roy completely, Jaron breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

looked at him curiously.

that Roy was pestering you, so I went

“Nothing. It

a demon all day. We, all men, couldn’t argue with her. What you just said sarcastically

Susan said humbly.

looked at each other, and then they laughed together, which drew

“Stay away from Roy. In her opinion, she was the most excellent women in programming, the most connotative and motivated woman

can see that.”

had met a girl of this type in

never allow herself to be

Roy seemed to be deliberately showing off her “inner

understand her.


Chapter 37

work at the

nodded with a mixed feeling.

the interview, would she work

so much. Was it really proper?

Let’s go

hadn’t made up her mind yet, but she

taking a closer look,

architectural garden covered a

was a huge lake surrounded by buildings.”

professional fitness. coach. The

husky will be able to work


asked, “Will the employees of Storm Group meet the president often?”

that possible?!” Jaron said, “Mr. Landor is busy all day long with big deals in Storm Group. Only a few seniors can meet him frequently. Ordinary employees, even

felt a little

company, as long as she was careful,

across Ben.

Susan relaxed instantly.

Let’s go for the

It’s in that building.” Jargon led the

Chapter 37

Susan followed.

the conference

in this quarter,

head of Gweern was worried.

was the

achievements were pretty good. It’s two percentage points higher than last quarter.

Landor thought their progress was too tardy?

wiped the cold sweat in his head and was

“Excellent. Sit down, please.”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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