Chapter 38

In the interview hall.

When Jaron and Susan came in, the employees of the Programming Department in Winner Electronics were already waiting there.

“Jargon.” They all greeted him respectfully for his coming.

Susan glanced at Jaron, a little surprised.

It didn’t expected that Jaron was quite prestigious.

When Roy saw them, she snorted and turned her head away.

She didn’t want to argue with them now. All these years, she has devoted all her energy to work.

She was bound to pass this interview!

Workers in Winner Electronics were at concert pitch, but on the contrary, worker in Storm Group obviously didn’t care too much about them.

Only came an interviewer who required them to finish a test in the computer.

The interviewer lazily said, “There is an exam on the computer. With a total score of one hundred. If you get more than eighty points, you can have a second interview. If you get more than ninety points, You can be admitted directly. Just do it by yourself.”

After saying that, he urged, “Don’t just stand there. Hurry up! I haven’t finished my own program yet. It’s a waste of time to supervise you.”

Hearing that, all interviewees hurriedly sat down.

The interviewer glanced at his watch and said, “It’s limited to one hour. Of course, this question is a bit difficult. If you can’t do it, you can hand in your papers early. Don’t waste each other’s time, understand?”

His words were a bit rude.

Susan frowned slightly.

Were all the programmers of Storm Group so arrogant?

Chapter 38

Suddenly she was fired the wish to win.

She had to pass the interview.

“Do you hear that? Give up if you don’t know how to do it. Don’t waste time.” Roy, who sat in front of Susan, deliberately turned her head and said to Susan.

Susan looked at her blankly, then she directly put on the headphones.

Roy snorted coldly.

Such a pretending girl!

She wanted to see if Susan could pass the exam with her beauty this time!

When the results came out later, she must be embarrassed.

that scene relieved

interview started soon.

her thoughts and started to

performance was second only after Jaron in Winner Electronics. Therefore, she had always been quite confident in herself.

questions, she would have a

Group deserved its reputation.

the interview questions for the newcomer were

goal was to finish

her best to do

only answer a part. Susan might get a

she suddenly

Time elapsed.

the interviewer insinuated that everyone should not waste time, it

in the

only 15 minutes left before the first person

interviewer looked at the

the computer

surprise, “Go and wait in the interview hall”

went to it.



she give


the question, she still

everyone’s answers

for a while. The result will be shown in half an hour.” The interviewer yawned and left.

his leaving, the crowd

level of Storm Group? I’ve always thought I was pretty good,

understand some?

up. I guess I can’t get into Storm Group.”


don’t have to think about it. Only

he could pass it.”

stared at

coughed embarrassedly, “Don’t look at me like that. I’m stressed.”

deny others‘ remarks. That meant he

Chapter 38

be modest, Jargon. You must be sure of it! Don’t forget us after you

are rich,

smiled and

Joy’s eyes as

the results came out, maybe Jaron would

projects assigned to him were

breath and

rid of others‘ blessing and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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