Chapter 39

Everyone stared at the interview questions attentively.

After a long while.

There were trance voices of the crowd in the office.

“It seems… really full marks.”

“Yes. One of the questions requires them to produce an applet on the spot, I just need a simple result. But the applet, programmed by this person, is actually improved according to the question.”

“If it weren’t for the full score of only one hundred, I guess this person would have to score better than that.”

“Oh my Gosh! Such a talent is hidden in Winner Electronics!”

“I remember that only three of us here have passed the interview questions with full marks.”

Everyone looked at the three big shots in the Programming Department.

They were the core in this department, whose competence was much higher than that of ordinary employees.

Now, there appeared a newcomer with full marks.

That meant the fourth big shot was about to make his appearance in their office?

It was so fantastic.

After all, those three were not mediocre workers, but talents that even Mr. Landor had to rely on.

“You are in charge of the interview this time. Tell me, who is this great talent? I have to follow him closely.”

“That’s right! But we don’t know whether he needs us.”

Amidst their prompting, the interviewer looked even more dazed.

“The name on the paper was Susan Miller. I remember she’s a girl.”

Chapter 39

A girl…?

With such great talent?

In the programming circle, it was unimaginable.

For a moment, there was a strange silence in the office.

Just then, Luke came back.

“What are you doing around?” He came over and glanced at it casually. Seeing that it was the interview question, he recalled Ben’s instructions.

He said calmly, “Attention please. Mr. Landor especially said that our department has too many boys. Therefore, this time the requirements in the interview should be lower for women.”

Lower the requirements for women…

looked at Luke in a daze.

points could be

lightly, “I know all of you only respect real ability. But, this is the order from Mr. Landor. Just

person who got 100 points was reluctant?

became even more silent.

your faces,” said Luke, “I remember that Winner Electronics has two female employees? How are their grades? If it’s not too outrageous,

After all, it

Is Ben’s order.

Silence reigned.

strange and asked, “What’s wrong?”

interview raised his head and said in an erratic voice, “There is a woman among them, and her grades are indeed quite outrageous.”

“Mr. Landor only said to lower the

Chapter 39

too bad, just refuse her. Tell me what

got a hundred points,” the man’s voice continued

Luke was astounded.

a deep breath, “What?!!”

full marks,” the man pointed to the screen.

quickly pushed his subordinates away and checked it carefully. Then, his eyes

employ this person with such an outrageous grade?” joked

only should we hire her but we must


result was worth such treatment.

when suddenly something hit him and he couldn’t help but ask, “Is there any other one who reaches the criteria? What about the other

that there are a lot of talented people in this small company. Apart from Susan, there is another man called Jaron who also got 80

out. After all, different from Susan who shocked them with her grade, the other woman indeed didn’t

got it! Her name is Roy


him to hire anyone with this

just said that he wanted to lower the

Chapter 39

far the requirements could go.

a drag, I’ll try to ask Mr. Landor to fire her anyway. Now that this

Susan, Luke didn’t even

should consider how to keep them instead of whether to let them

little dissatisfied with Roy’s joining, but after all,

was open to the public. So let’s keep the result secretly and just announce

while, he was again a little worried, “I’ll go by myself.”

all the way to the interview

was waiting quietly

the photos, Luke quickly

all a bit

a book and read

on his face.

Susan was a woman, he only admired competence. A competent

Susan, Luke didn’t care much about the other

passed the interview this time are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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