Tobias gently patted Skylar’s head. “What are you afraid of? An ugly daughter-in-law will have to face her parents-in-law sooner or later. Besides, you’re only going to meet mother-in-law today. Come on, it’s not your first time meeting my mom.”

Skylar didn’t know much about Tobias’ father as he rarely talked about him. The only information she had was Tobias’ father was still alive. He had a daughter and a son, and her daughter was Ingrid, the crazy woman.

Patricia opened the door for them. Skylar nodded and smiled at her.

She was a little surprised to see Winnie behind Patricia.

The two of them had been ripping on each other maliciously on the internet, and paying verified Instagram account to slander each other. But, on the surface, they still manage to pretend to be polite.

Claudia came down from upstairs. She was wearing a dark blue dress, with a hairpin on her hair. She didn’t look her age. Obviously, she had been taking good care of her skin.

Skylar wondered if Claudia had gotten an anti-wrinkle injection before. People would definitely believe she was in her fifties.

Winnie immediately held her arm lovingly as soon as Claudia got down. From the corner of her eyes, she gave Skylar a provocative stare.

and grilled salmon for you. Sheldon told me that


cook. She

Winnie is so adorable.

cook for you for the rest of my

did a great

didn’t even know how to turn on the stove knew how to cook grilled salmon.

Skylar from the moment she entered the

she how she did before. Back then, she couldn’t wait to chase her out

people, but only three dishes were on the dining table. It was all prepared by Winnie. Besides, the portion was small. It was the first time they officially

noticed that there were only four sets

his cutlery in front of Skylar. Then, Claudia immediately got Patricia to take

thought Ms. Jones is

I’m on diet?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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