“Isn’t love about making compromises?”

“I used to think so too. But I ended up with nothing.”

The last conversation she had with Claudia kept replaying in Skylar’s head on her way back as she stared out from the car window.

Back at Claudia’s residence, Winnie was helping out at the dining table. “Just leave this job to the maid,” said Claudia.

“That’s alright, Mrs. Ford. I’m used to doing this back home anyway. My parents are in poor health, so I’ll try to help them out as much as I can. I’m not sure if I can say the same about Skylar though, since she just excused herself right after dinner,” Winnie remarked casually while wiping the same area on the dining table.

Upon hearing that, Claudia got one of her maids to fetch a mop for Winnie. “In that case, please also mop the floor after you’re done with the dishes. It’s getting late, I’m going to rest now.”

Despite feeling wildly insulted, Winnie forced a broad grin on her face. “Sure, Mrs. Ford. Good night.”

seen through Winnie’s deception, Claudia’s attitude toward her had taken a sharp

about it, Claudia could easily taste the difference between

must take me

Moore back after she’s done mopping the floor. It’s bad for a girl’s reputation to stay overnight

it’s quite

shot her son a look before she replied coldly, “Just do as

Winnie pushed the mop into Sheldon’s hand and flew into a rage. “Sheldon Ford, you are unbelievable! Didn’t you see how Skylar humiliated me in front of everyone just now? Your brother was so protective of her, but you just sat there and let them walk all over

“Well, whose fault is that? Instead of having a peaceful dinner like everyone else, you had to keep boasting about your non-existent cooking


You promised that you’ll move in with me. Tobias is basically living with Skylar anyway. If he can do that, why can’t

Skylar’s every now and then. For God’s sake, I don’t understand why are

that someone else might hear them, Sheldon was talking at the top

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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