Winnie was on pins and needles. She thought everything was perfectly planned and under control. But little did she know, Skylar was such an expert when it came to food. She had such a discerning palate. How could she even know that? Her sense of smell is as good as a dog’s.

After dinner, Tobias let the housekeeper cut the cake into few pieces. Skylar put the plate in front of Claudia.

She didn’t insist on forcing Claudia to eat the cake. Anyway, she had shown her sincerity.

Claudia pointed at the sofa opposite her. “Have a seat.” She acted like a queen who was issuing an order.

Skylar did as she was told respectfully. She sat upright, resting her feet firmly on the ground and both feet close to each other. She didn’t seem overcautious.

She put every theory she learned from her lessons into practice.

afraid that Claudia would make things difficult for Skylar. Before he could sit down, Skylar purposely gave him

from Claudia’s eyes that she

away with

full of affection. Claudia had only seen that kind of gaze when Tobias was

an executive president of a foreign company. Back then,

disliked Idania for another reason. She had different feelings towards Skylar. Women knew

looked soft and weak on the outside, but her

time, the Fords weren’t as good as they were today. Ford Group was not that successful either back then. Idania once revealed to Claudia from their conversation that she wanted to

a man even resist a pretty woman like her?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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