Startled, Hector immediately put the phone back into his pocket and dared not to move.

Meanwhile, a young and cheerful man in jeans and a Supreme jacket suddenly showed up and stood beside Skylar.

“Lady, can I have your phone number?”

Skylar didn’t look at him as she answered, “I’m sorry. I can’t give it to you.”

Tobias never thought that Marcus would be here.

The moment their eyes met, Marcus flashed a wry smile at Tobias.

Then, he continued to pester Skylar. “I saw your photos on your Instagram. I mean, you look even better than in your photos. No wonder my brother loves you so much.”

Skylar looked at the young face in a daze. Although Marcus was smiling, she couldn’t help but feel disturbed.

them stood up and said, “Sir, please don’t disturb our passengers. If you persist, we have no other option but

this moment, Marcus could feel that the atmosphere turned chilly. He turned around and realized that Tobias

to Marcus and instructed,

the top management of

so kind to come to Skylar’s rescue? Could it be that he is fond of Skylar as

“I heard from my sister that you broke her leg before for a woman. Well, well, I finally got the chance to see her in person. Do you know from where

it before, Skylar instantly realized that the young

half-brother. Judging from the way they talked, Skylar could tell that they didn’t get along

people, Skylar didn’t think he would be

mood to ponder over their bond of brotherhood. She stood up and glared

he said, “You’ll know me eventually. Ms. Jones, we can meet up when you’re free. I can

was bewildered upon hearing it, particularly Hector, who wanted to get Skylar’s Instagram account earlier on. At

almost made the biggest mistake in his life by flirting

threw a punch at Marcus. As Marcus was caught off-guard, he was hit and took a few

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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