Marcus said with a grin on his face, “I’ve been hiding from you for a long time. How long do you want me to continue hiding? I’ve had enough to be a fugitive. So, you might as well finish me off to end my suffering.”

Skylar failed to pretend that she didn’t know Tobias. After the incident, the assistant director, who sat next to her on the plane, asked a series of questions. “Skylar, are you dating Tobias now? No wonder you signed a contract with Royal Entertainment. When will you make it public? I can imagine the envious looks on the actresses’ faces the moment you make it public.”

Skylar flashed him a wry smile. Deep in her heart, she intended to say that it probably wouldn’t happen for the rest of her life.

When people were gossiping, there would always be someone who said unpleasant things. “I think she is merely his acquaintance. We’re lucky to meet the lucky one today. Anyway, a prominent family like the Fords won’t accept an actress. Winnie used to be arrogant when she was dating Sheldon, but look at her now! It’s clear that Sheldon had forgotten her.”

As Skylar couldn’t stand listening to the gossips, she put on the earplugs given by the air stewardess to have peace of mind.

Skylar hadn’t seen Winnie for a long time but only heard that Claudia made Winnie and Sheldon break up.


Back then, the relationship between Sheldon and Winnie was ambiguous. After all, he never made it public that they were dating. This time, his attitude toward her was entirely different, for he broke up with Winnie straightforwardly.

believed Skylar could marry a prominent figure


Tobias would board the same plane with

with her earlier on. Soon, she was startled to find out that

he had no intention

to the flight’s delay, Skylar was nearly an hour late to the

got impatient and began to grumble

flight. Due to time constraints, she didn’t change her clothes and went up to the stage directly. Meanwhile, Largo, who was in a formal

to the reporters and apologized, “My sincere apologies for being late. My flight was delayed at the last minute. I’m so

clothes, the reporters were satisfied and decided not to condemn her through their

had been widely spread for a few days. Since both

 Empyrean Sword, a TV show set in ancient times. A few hundred million was spent on its special effects, while the team

in a green dress, looked cute but slightly rebellious. Besides, the cherry blossom headdress matched her perfectly, making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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