“Are you actually some type of sick psycho fan?!” she said harshly, tears in her eyes like she was genuinely hurt by James‘ photo. The two were obviously close. Had they been together? The way Stace pranced about around the other men, it had never occurred to Lita that Stace might have had something more with James.

“ANSWER ME?!” Stace yelled.

“C’mon Stace, calm down,” Cole stood between the two women, putting his hands up though Lita could see his muscles bunching with tension. “I’m sure she has a good reason…” He didn’t sound sure at all.

“NO! Just ‘cause she’s your mate doesn’t mean she’s innocent! How else does she have this?!”

He growled harshly, “Stace!” It was more like a sharp bark, one that sent chills down Lita’s spine,

Lita’s panicked mind knew she needed to clear things up, but she wasn’t sure it would help. It could even make it worse. James always wanted her to stand up for henell. And she tried, she really did, but the last time she tried, well, she was still covered in bruises from the last time she tried. It could go badly again. If prople were using some kind of power to control her, did Cole have that same power? Would he use it next? She needed to weigh her options quickly.

Even knowing that more and more of her private life was becoming public within the group, her old anxieties still had a hold. She wasn’t supposed to tell these people who she was or how she knew James! Why? Because if they knew who she was, they could use it against her, exploit her powerful family. The more she thought about that, the more ridiculous it seemed. These were good people, even when they didn’t take her seriously, they were never cruel. They hadn’t needed to intervene in her life but they did it anyway. She didn’t think they would use her. And if Cole really owned this whole industrial park, he had to have his own money, right? It seemed he actually preferred the more industrial, worn in look of his gym. And if James had been his business partner, he was used to being around someone with money. Someone with her name’s legacy. So, no, that wasn’t a valid reason,


was another anxiety? That they would find out about James being her brother and hate her for it. That, tos, didn’t seem likely. The more time

Come ed

to their advantage. They gave every sign of having cared for him the same way she did likely, if they knew, they would sympathize with her. But that was another issue altogether. Did she really want her only friends walking around feeling bad for her? She looked at Stace once more and how the hurt seemed to crush her friend’s spirit. She knew what that felt like. And the anger

parents that she was trying to get stronger. The way she seemed to fold to their will’s every time Brian or her mother told her to do something left her feeling low. She couldn’t fight back and she couldn’t say no, not to them. That was the whole reason she wanted to join the gym. Get stronger so she could

Lita, tell her it’s not what she thinks,” Alex insisted, trying to take her side, though not sounding too convinced

my,” Lita paused, rubbing the center of her chest as the pain returned, “brother” The tears were involuntary, streaking down her face in thick little streams. It was as if she’d finally uncorked all the feelings she’d been bottling up all this time.

Lita, who was now hunched over. “I’m so sorry. Moon above, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I didn’t- I never saw a picture of you. He was so private about his family, Lita. I never put the

he shared a look. They would figure the rest out later. Not

always fighting with his parents about you. He wanted you to be told about this world. Wolf or not, you had a right to know about where you

his jaw, “I feel

I–I didn’t

wheezed, “It

m–much to

asked quietly, still holding her tight.


feel like you can’t eat or sleep? Like your universe has just disappeared and you have nothing left? No motivation?” Lita nodded again, crying harder into

who become rogues,” she soothed, running her hands down Lita’s hair, “If your parents always kept you separate, then you couldn’t find comfort in them. But keeping you from the wolf world doesn’t keep you from having wolf blood. Just

your mother probably hoped you would find a new pack in Brian. But when that didn’t

Her mind couldn’t process what she was hearing yet but soon,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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