Sense of Sight

“Listen!” Lita yelled, finally wrangling hold of her emotions as she plopped onto the living room sofa between Stace and Jaz, “Before I say another damn thing, somebody better explain what the hell is going on?! What are Alphas? Are you saying I come from a family of werewolves? I mean, known my parents my whole life and I can ASSURE you, they’re not fucking wolves. Because that’s CRAZY! Nothing you all are saying makes any fucking sense…”

It was impossible. There weren’t giant fucking wolves in the middle of cities, hist living like normal people. And even if there were, they definitely couldn’t turn into freaking animals without someone noticing. And even if they could, they certainly weren’t her parents. Her no–nonsense upper echelon parents that hosted dinner parties and were pillars of the couusinity.

She was really sitting in her aggression now that the sadness had waned. The people expected her to be free Bowing with information while they made weird insinuations and vague explain later promises. They needed to fell het werything. And someone had better have a good explanation about what the hell she’d been hearing, or she was leaving the first chance she got. Lita didn’t need anymore crazy in her life than there already was.

“Do you t trust me?

Cole asked, studying her from across the room.

“I don’t really trust anyone… but I guess I trust you more than most, why?” He smiled, exchanging a look with Alex and Andres, who immediately cleared away the furniture in the center of the room.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to answer your questions, but you won’t believe it. Not really. Not unless you see it for yourself,” He promised, pulling his shirt up over his head. Lita’s eyes couldn’t help themselves from taking in the sight. She remembered that day at the gym, but this was different. They’d already made our twice, and she felt him rub up against her core. His nude torso meant something completely different now. Fucking ovulation was making a mess of her. This wasn’t the time or the place for this but her hormones didn’t give a crap

He unbuttoned his jeans and growled lowly, “Stop looking at me like that, Lita… I can promise it’s going to make this a hundred times more uncomfortable for us all in another thirty seconds.” His rough voice conflicted with his words, making her body relax into a drugged state.

Stace’s poorly veiled laughter pulled her out of it.

“Shut up, will you?” Lita snapped, punching Stace gently in the ribs.

“Nobody told you to eye fuck him like that,” she whispered, and from the quiet laughter around the room, it hadn’t been that much of a whisper. Either that or they had impeccable hearing. Wolves, Lita said to herself.

“Alright, Alright” Cole blew out a tense breath, his muscles rippling, “Lita, are you ready?” She turned her head and in a flash, amid a flurry of tearing and popping sounds, Cole went from man to well. Lita inhaled her spit and coughed. Wide–eyed and fighting for her life, Lita crawled over the back of the couch and put her back to the wall on the other side. She hacked up the lungs that refused to work properly, There was a giant black wolf standing in the middle of the room, eyes red and trained directly on her. She couldn’t be positive but it felt like the same wolf that tried to chase down her SUV. That was Cole?! Her mind rebelled against the thought. Lita stood perfectly still for one singular moment, admiring the fact that if it wasn’t so terrifying, the wolf might have actually been beautiful to behold. It filled the room with the scent of damp leaves and warm fur. Lita inhaled, shivering, before she rejected the entire idea. Alex must have seen it on her face.

“Shit, Li

Lila, don’t

it run,” Alex begged, but it was too late.

She screamed, making a mad dash toward the stairs, up them, and down the second floor hallway. The sound of claws gouging the floor behind her send warring sensations though her body. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She couldn’t fucking believe her eyes. A man just turned into a wolf right in front of her face.

She’d barely cleared the door to Cole’s room when he burst through it behind her, scratching up the wood Boor. It dominated the rooms, looming over her with deep, warm puffs of als steaming from its nostrils.

Lita squealed, falling into the corner of the bathroom, “Oh god, please don’t eat me! I don’t think I’d taste very good! She cowered with her hands over her head. Then, oddly enough, she heard the bedroom door shut before bare footsteps stopped in front of her.

roughly by the arms, panting. He snapped her attention to his wild eyes and strained face. “Lita listen to me, NEVER


Sense of Sight

the second time you the run from me, and it’s a bad fucking habit Cole cursed, shaking his head several times as if knocking a thought

a wolf. Dark eyes, wild hair, tense jaw. His lips were flushed and damp, opening and closing as he spoke even though she didn’t hear the words. He was too perfect, too delicious not to touch. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she wrangle

Lita? NEVER run from a shifted wolf I can’t always curb the need to chase, okay? You could

as he gave her a genuine smile, shocking the fear right out of her-“Oh, I don’t know, I think you’d probably taste amazing Cole stared at

very naked man, and that fact just seemed to it in her head. Her mind didn’t know what to process first, the fact that he was naked, the fact that he was a wolf one second earlier, or the fact that he was staring at her like he

came out of nowhere. It didn’t

Cole weren’t real. The shit she’d gotten herself into wasn’t real. Cole cocked his head to the side, That bad, huh? I’ve experienced a lot of reactions to…” He looked down at himself and of course tita followed his gaze, “But never laughter.” Her laughter only got louder, so much so that she it

ridiculous!” she gasped for air, “Well, not that…” She motioned to the monster between his legs, “But the rest



times now,” he smirked. “I’m sure it’s hard

just in front of her face. He licked her cheek, the hot, rough sensation confusing every fucking braincell she had. This was weird as

his fur light and clean. She ran her fingers through the scruff under his jaw, scratching it. He made a content sound, nuzzling her harder. His wet nose pressed to the side of her temple and she smiled. God help her, she smiled at the cute wolf that was easily the size of a horse and strong endugh to

relax, and he finally pulled away to shift back. Giving her a confused, almost pained look, Cole left the bathroom and

It was hard, but Lita was putting the

Stacey are all regular wolves and they help where they’re needed. Jaz is like you, a human who knows what we are. She grew up around wolves though she didn’t know it

the back of his neck, “That’s why we only train after the gym closes, to avoid more accidents happening. Obviously, some people will always find a way.” He rolled his

that would make you the

nodded, leaning against the


Sense of Sight

leader! Again, he only nodded, “But my mom’s an Alpha apparently and I don’t think she’s a leader. You said she


much to explain all of once but Alphas aren’t just chosen by their pack, they’re from a bloodhine. Your mother is from that bloodline, even though she married a Beta and they are second in command to their pack

lot of questions over the coming days, just try and

we’re mates? What does

jaw visibly clenched, “You heard that part,

mean?” Lita stood, rubbing her

you know how two puzzle pieces fit perfectly

that for me. I’m supposed to be that for you. I know

eyes grew wide, “I–I’m supposed to

You don’t

it sounds really crazy but, I don’t have a choice in who my mate is, obviously. And it’s not a requirement. Just a suggestion. A chemical signature that says you’ll be a good fit together. Wolves can choose to embrace it, or reject it. They can wait for that bond, or choose one of their own. Your parents aren’t mated, I don’t think. Alphas

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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