In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 107 book 1

Bonus Chapter- Ask Nicely

Lita had the urge to bite.

The points of her lower teeth hadn’t receded yet, and every scrape of Cole’s tongue made her want to score his flesh hard. Either with her claws or her teeth, the didn’t care which, and she couldn’t shake the thought loose. The hot press of her mate’s mouth and rich chocolate scent of his hunger tunneled her down into desire so thick she thought she might burst…

Sex with her mate wasn’t new. But this, the rampant need she felt to take more and more of him–to make him mindless and needy beneath her–this was new. It heightened everything beyond normal wolf–senses, beyond normal urges. It was as if power vibrated from her skin. Her body exuded an aura that sucked the air from the room and rippled between them. Every touch burned hotter, every kiss between them growing wetter, until that moisture could be felt between her thighs.

As if he already knew it, Cole hummed, moving just enough to press the dampness and stroke against it. His touch felt electric, sensation zipping through her nervous system until he coaxed Lita into rubbing him back, Cole’s body seemed to crave it, muscles bunching beneath her hands and thighs, small rough sounds escaping between their clashing lips.

Though something about it still irked her. He was beneath her, but he hadn’t fully lost control, or surrendered himself. He’d kissed her first, starting everything between them, and now her body was moving against his only because Cole had coaxed it. Lita didn’t hate it, of course she loved anything her mate did, but it wasn’t what she wanted… there was something more she needed.

Cole’s lips were always working her into a frenzy with the barest pressure. Now, they were slick from how deeply he kissed her, opening his mouth to pull each of her lips into his. His hands palmed her ass, grinding her down on him even harder. Slowly, he sucked one of her sensitive lips in, teased it with his tongue and released. Then he repeated with the other.

A delicious tease. But she wanted more of him–aff of him–and to scratch that pesky itch, whatever it was. She chased the irritation, following its call to the more primal parts of herself.

Lita nipped his busy tongue, shivering from the top of her spine down to her toes as the hot metallic taste of him filled her mouth. Her mate tasted like magic–like hot springs in the moonlight or the damp aura of a dense forest, reminding her of those murals along the basement walls. She moaned around the flavor. Flicking her eyes up to his, Lita saw he was already watching her, his chest rumbling at whatever expression he saw there.

“Close,” he huffed against her mouth, eyes drinking her in as one of his thumbs came up to run under her eye. “So close.”

Close to what? Lita didn’t know. Cole radiated a primal masculine energy she could never quite put to words. It made her knees weak, her pulse rocket, and her body respond. Hers. He was hers. And with the way he was looking at her now, Lita wondered if he could feel the same primal energy coming from her. If he was feeling weaker for her as they held eyes. Or if he was feeling his pulse in his throat and if that pulse was also throbbing between his legs like hers. Was he thinking she was his? Was he awed by that fact–by how lucky and impossible it all felt to be mated?

Cole cursed into her mouth, gripping her hard enough to bruise as she turned the kiss feral. Lita drowned Cole’s noises out with her own needy growl, letting the taste of him coat her lips.

Do that again, Nyx growled, and Lita complied, sucking the fresh bead of taste from a new nick on his tongue. That time, she felt him shiver and stiffen. Was she hurting him? What the hell was wrong with her? Lita huffed, pulling away to shake her head.

Nothing is wrong with us, Nyx made a sound similar to a laugh, Look at his pupils. We’re a perfect match for our mate. He loves us like who can put our Alphe in his place is his Luna.

this.. the only one

Sure enough, Cole’s eyes were glassy, his pupils lust drunk and endless. The bit of blood on his tongue had only egged him on, and he clearly wanted more. Lita swiped her thumb across his damp lower lip, his words from earlier replaying in her mind.

“What are you close to?”

“Not me,” Cole chuckled, a small smirk on his face. “You–you’re close.”

“To what?” Lita asked, even as Cole’s widening grin told her he wouldn’t answer. His eyes flicked back and forth between hers, the points of his teeth preking out as he bit down on his lower lip in excitement.

Dominance was still riding her hard, the primal urges wrapping themselves around her throat like a grip and his disobedience wasn’t helping. She wanted to sink her teeth into him, not to claim as she’d already done during their mating, but to control. To clamp her sharp teeth around his throat like pincers until he yielded his neck–until he stopped trying to take the lead in everything.

As if to prove the point, Cole tried to pull her back to his mouth. Lita laughed, resisting the pull. He implied he wanted her to be in charge, but words were easy. Actions were harder. Hadn’t her life up to that point taught her that?

Bonus Chapter–Ask Nicely

in the background of

and for once, a staggering power followed the words. Nyx’s ears perked up, her maw opening as she licked her teeth. Their wolves could be invasive when they were excited, so Cole had already taught Lita how to put Nyx to the back

I need a nap anyway. Her voice faded away, leaving

breathier than it had been before the kiss. She ran a claw–tipped finger over his lower lip and pitched forward, mashing them together while she

through the ache in her gums, the burn in her throat, the tension in

pleasure is mine to give,” she growled, “not

him sucking in a breath, a slight tremor in his hands. He nodded, though, his hooded


grin first. Lita leaned back on her knees and slowly slid her hands under his t–shirt. She walked her fingertips up each of his abdominal muscles, enjoying the way his stomach quivered at her attention. She brushed against the thin scratches her claws left over his abs, glimpsing her knuckles between the rips in his shirt. His jaw ground against itself

a wild, husky way. And then she

he were looking for something. It irritated her. He shouldn’t hesitate. If she told him to touch her, that’s exactly what he damn well needed to do. A lick

no room for thought. She was the Alpha between them now, and there was


as her command sank under his skin. When he opened those eyes again, they burned for her. He cupped Lita’s face, running his

in a

Suddenly, everything made sense -the dominance, the aggression, the tone that could bring Cole to his knees. Unlocking her full potential had been a

too small? How many times had she thought she would never overcome

felt. Or anyone else, for that matter. No matter what she’d been through. Lita accepted herself–the scars on her back from the crash. Her fears.

from her face to her knees, along the curve of her hips, and then under the hem of her t–shirt. She saturated herself with his musky scent. Large, warm palms slid up her stomach to cup Lita over her bra. The tips of his claws curved over the cups, massaging and pinching the skin there. With a brief sting of pressure, the straps snapped, making her gasp. She growled, narrowing her

leaving little scratches behind, stinging her skin. “Cole,” she growled the warning for her clothes, her body throbbing in time with his touches. His lips parted, a now–healed tongue swiping out to swirl over a canine. Before she could

would she punish him? She wondered. Lita couldn’t ignore disrespect or disobedience–not when

nipples before trailing down to where their hips met. Itis hands slid away immediately, hovering with open palms just shy of her skin–a ghost caress that made goosebumps appear. Of course, her skin burned for him, wanted his calloused palms to touch every part of


Bonus Chapter Ask Nicely



ader sense o

the lip of the


stretched chest, thinking up the perfect torture for her stubborn Alpha. She suspected that he would enjoy it just as much as he would hate it and some part of her loved that she could fulfill a secret desire. How long had he waited for her to come into her full Alpha aura? Never pressuring or mentioning

to his lust and over the bond, she felt as if she were being fed dessert. Lita wiggled


popping the button and slowly slipping them off. Panic turned to anticipation in Cole’s eyes. It was exhilarating, being able to control him that way–to make him crave her. Her underwear dropped

on the erection straining his briefs. Tapping an ankle with

his legs opening enough for her to crouch between

do this in the common space,” Lita laughed to herself, toying with

their Luna, you do what you want. They’ll live.” Lita stared at him, shocked and moved by how quickly he insisted that she was his equal. It wasn’t a surprise, but

such a mess of you,” she promised darkly, tugging the waistband down until

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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