In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 107 book 2

Bonus Chapter- Rings and Things

“I can’t, I can’t, Cole, I can’t,” Lita chanted from the pillows, her head thrown back to arch that tempting throat up for him. She burled her hands somewhere he couldn’t see, but the sheets were hardly on the bed anymore. One or two bits of foam floated off the edge, and he chuckled against her. She shivered through the sensation, and Cole did it again. His poor, pleasure–drunk mate had shredded the mattress trying to endure his talents. He swiped a sensitive spot with his finger and she bent her back into an impossible angle. It pleased the primal part of him that needed submission, complete mindlessness, just as he’d appealed to hers earlier in the night.

His mind wandered back to those minutes. Cole had never been able to let go before. He had never trusted another person enough to let his guard down. Hell, he hadn’t even known that being dominated was a personal kink until he’d seen her Alpha tendencies taking over. Lita and violence were an aphrodisiac he hadn’t expected.

With an expert swipe of his tongue, Lita’s body twitched again.

Cole’s gaze burned that soft, marked up skin, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction when he looked at the bruises his teeth had left over every inch of her. Even now, hours later, he wanted to tenderize her skin. Sizzling heat went up his spine, another thrum of arousal waking him up. He seemed to never tire of this. Cole groaned at the force of his desire, and Lita made a sound he’d never heard, something not altogether human, but just as delicious. The way he felt was so similar to how hard his instincts rode him during their mating. Only then, she’d been so much more breakable than she was now. He’d had to be careful.

Lita’s legs shook as he pressed her clit hard with his closed lips, sliding two fingers along her inner walls until she gasped and made a wet mess of his


For all things moon–touched, she was beyond beautiful–and sensual, strong, resilient–and on top of all of those things,” his“. His mate. His Luna. And soon to be his wife if he could stifle his lust for long enough to say the words. Those fucking Alpha commands had snapped something open in him and he hadn’t been able to close it. Wave after wave of crushing arousal seemed to course through his veins and he couldn’t be sated. Cole clamped down on her hips, dragging her center closer to his mouth until she was practically suffocating him. He’d lost track of how many orgasms he’d ripped from her, but she was nearly spent. He could see it in the tremors of her thighs, the panting breaths that seemed to grow raspier every minute.

With a final cry, she dove over the edge of a final orgasm and he felt his arousal ease. Wet sucking sounds filled the room as he pulled his fingers free. Those sounds would be the death of him, but he didn’t care, riding her through the throes of her pleasure with soft nips before pulling away. He kissed a path up her shaking limbs and gave Lita a soft peck on the lips. Lita bummed, her face a perfect picture of satisfaction and bliss as he scooped her up.

“Another bath, my love?” he asked gently, stroking a thumb along the back of her knee. “Or can you stand for a shower?”

Lita laughed, the breathless sound making him grin down at her. “My love? That’s a new one. Bath, please. Unless you plan to hold me up the entire time.”

the large basin and began running the water. Lita slumped against the wall, watching with a goofy smile on her face as he set

soaked hands in the water stream with a heated smirk.

that’s all,” she laughed softly. “Cruelly giving me more orgasms than I can handle, only to be sweet enough to run

knee, exposing all of the flushed, wet skin he’d just had his

kiss her bent knee, “you beautiful and reached over to kiss

tease.” He winked. “And those aren’t contradictions. My love for you drives

“Love, huh?”

entire bathroom and Midnight preened at how well they were taking care of their mate. Under all that attitude, the wolf loved

was about to confess that she was his mate all over again. They were already bound and mated–already married in every way that mattered to wolves and themselves. But Cole swallowed hard anyway. He wanted them to be bound

another sound, Cole went to the edge of the tub and silently got down on both knees, a thing he would never do for anyone else. He didn’t care about his nakedness, or his men exhaustion, only caring about making Lita happy, and about claiming her in every way that he could. Cole took in the sight of her resting in the tub, her closed eyes and small nose. He loved the curve of her lips and the post–ses flush of her face. Again, he studied the low bites be’d left on her skin, and everything before he ever

Chapter Hings

he spent chasing his

half–sleep woman that consumed his every waking thought to look at him. Sensing his attention, Lita hummed, rolling her head along the back of the tub until she

reflected diamonds glittered in her

in the room. The only other sound was trickling water as Lita sat

“What–we already-

know,” Cole agreed. They had already done every kind of joining except this one. And he found that he wanted it as


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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