Chapter 118

“Okay,” Julian said, nodding in approval. “I’ll help you get whatever you want, but don’t talk about leaving the villa again.”

Kayla’s throat was still fragile and needed meticulous care, and he still needed to find a way to cure her. If she returned to the Winnington family, it wouldn’t be as convenient for him to have doctors check on her as

in his villa.

“Okay,” Kayla said, hiding how truly satisfied she felt at his words. “Thank you,


Meanwhile, Diana handed the dress to Nina so she could look at it closely.

“I wouldn’t say get back into the industry. I was thinking more of throwing my past away and starting from scratch. It’ll be like becoming a rookie and entering the business again, you know?”

down this industry

most reliable thing for a woman to have


and vows of love were all just

to admire the breathtakingly beautiful dress as she lamented, “But wouldn’t it be a shame to

make her way from the small countryside to Richburgh because of it before she married Julian.

people who placed the orders were mysterious figures in high positions, Diana never mentioned it to anyone. She

live off the Fulcher family, she would often personally make clothes for Madam Fulcher and buy

fifteen million dollars at SK Mall so easily. She was confident she could slowly earn. back the money, so it wasn’t really Julian’s money

Yet, what happened?

between them when it came to whose money it was. He even used it as a pretext to push

help but think about how

in the past. “Back when I was designing, I used the pseudonym D and D&J.”

it and used D&J, representing the love between her and Julian. She couldn’t help but laugh when she thought about the meaning behind her

silly of me to use those names. I don’t

past achievements; even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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