Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 195

However, Fanny….

Diana recalled their unfriendly encounter the last time. She sensed that Fanny wasn’t an easy person to get along with.

In contrast, Oliver made Fanny sound like a delicate, pretty, and opinionated woman.

Perhaps they didn’t get to spend too much time together the last time. Diana thought for a moment. She didn’t agree to the offer right away, but she didn’t turn it down either. “I’ll be occupied for the next few days. Once I’m free, I’ll contact Miss Smith to discuss the collaboration in detail.

“Okay.Oliver nodded. “Do you still have her phone number?”

“Yes,” Diana replied.

The two of them chatted while they ate. Soon, it was time to get back to work. “Do you need help with anything?” Oliver checked the time. “It’ll be hard to step away once I get back to the clinic.”

Diana thought for a moment. I don’t think so, but…” Diana chuckled. “Vans told me that you had a great education and extensive practical experience. Also, you come from a well off family. So, why did you… decide on working in the clinic?”

“That’s because… I can meet more people in the clinic.”

What kind of reason was that?

understand. “But doesn’t that mean

Oliver’s background, he didn’t

smiled. He looked at Diana in an even more gentle manner. “The

he was already walking away with his lunch tray. Suddenly, he

the clinic.”

was completely different from what he

think of it, Oliver might have felt the need to protect his ego. He probably didn’t want to admit that his family exerted pressure on him.

and didn’t ask anything further. She turned around and walked in the other direction toward

marble pillar in the cafeteria and entered the

the ultrasound reports were piled up in a corner on the table,

pretended to be looking for her own ultrasound report. “Doctor, why

the pile of

doctor thought Kayla looked familiar, and came over to help her search for it.” It’s a

in a rush. My name’s

moment, Kayla was grateful that her face looked a lot

nodded. “That’s right. Your case was special. I

after lunch.”

“I’m sure your baby will be just as beautiful as you are.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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