Chapter Five


I woke the next morning, well before my alarm went off, feeling like my throat was on fire. I stretched and immediately regretted it, as my entire body felt like I had been run over by a very large vehicle. Repeatedly.

“Well, that su-cked,” I said out loud to myself. Instantly regretting my decision to speak, I started coughing uncontrollably.

I got myself to stop coughing and got out of bed.

No more outside thoughts, Sephie. Just inside thoughts.

My phone started ringing as I was walking out of the bathroom. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mr. Turner from across the hall. I immediately answered the call.

“Hey Mr. Turner, is everything alright?” I said in a half-whisper, hoping I didn’t cause another coughing attack.

“Good morning, Miss Sephie. Listen, I don’t want to alarm you, but there was a very large man standing outside your door this morning when I left for work. I asked him what his business was there and he said he’d been assigned to guard you, but he wouldn’t tell me anything else.”

“Well, that’s weird,” I said, biting my lower lip. I tried to think why anyone would be “assigned” to me. Reflexively, my hand went to my neck. “Mr. Turner, was this man the size of a house, with black hair, crew cut and a beard?”

He chuckled and said, “that’s a fitting description of him, yes. You know him?”

“I think I might have an idea. It’s okay, Mr. Turner. He’s one of the good ones. At least I think so.”

“Ok, Miss Sephie, if you say so. If you need anything, you call me right away. I got my old buddy’s son, on the force, on speed dial. I’ll have him to your place in no time if you need him.”

“Thank you, Mr. Turner. I really appreciate it, but I hopefully won’t need that. I promise I’ll call you if it’s not who I think it is.”

We said our goodbyes and I walked to my balcony door. I peeked outside and noticed the black SUV parked in the parking lot below, a few parking spaces from my car once again. The windows were tinted so dark that I could only see a giant hand resting on the steering wheel. As quietly as I could, I walked to the front door and looked through the peep ho*le. I couldn’t see all of him, but you can’t mistake a physique like that. It was one of the bodyguards that had delivered Anthony’s karma the night before.

said, “good morning, sir. Can I get you

“Good morning, Miss

you’ve been here since Mr. Turner from across the hall left. Wait, are you on meth? You’re on meth, aren’t you? Is that

a belly laugh

still have all my teeth – see?” he said in his thick Russian accent, showing

last night. The least I

he ran his hand through his buzzed hair. “Sure,

pal in the parking lot want one too? You know, while I’m at it, can I get your names? For the coffee

The guy in

Russian of you both. Please, Viktor, come inside while I make the coffee. It’s weird to have you standing

tell that Viktor had a heart of gold. He walked into my apartment, slightly nervous, but scanning the room like the dutiful guardian he

previously slept in hair into a bun on

even know what time it is right now, but it’s always bacon time in this house. Can Andrei come inside too, or do I need

Sephie, that

can do. We’ve been over this,

laughed, shaking his head. He just

an eyebrow at him, waiting


how do you take your coffee? With the crushed-up bones of your

he slapped the counter he laughed so hard. He threw his head

a funny woman,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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