Chapter Four


When I walked back into the meeting room, it was completely empty. Everyone had vanished. I can’t say I was disappointed by this development. I busied myself with gathering up the empty glasses and the few plates I hadn’t managed to clear already to take them to the kitchen. I hear Max whistling as he’s walking down the hallway toward the back room.

“Hey, why did everyone leave in such a hurry?” he asked as he walked in and started to help me clear the tables.

“No idea,” I said. I kept my gaze down, as I was once again on the verge of tears, trying desperately to keep them in so I wouldn’t cry in front of Max. I hated crying in front of people.

“That was weird. I saw two of those giant bodyguards that came in last take a very drunk guy out front and beat the living sh it out of him, then walk back inside like nothing happened.”

I dropped the glass in my hand and looked at Max, wide-eyed.

“They did what??”

“Yeah, it was comical. And somewhat sad. But mostly comical. I think it was one of the guys you said was always an as*shole to you, so I may or may not have cheered as the bodyguards came back in the restaurant.”

“Max, you have to be careful. You know who these people are.”

“I know, I know, but I was cheering for the Karma that guy was clearly receiving. Hey, wait a minute – what the he ll happened to your arms?? And your neck??”

“This was the reason for the Karma.”

“Holy sh it, Sephie! Are you okay? What happened? Why didn’t you come get me?”

but he took it to a new level tonight. I might’ve provoked

you do that. Don’t you take any of the blame on yourself. That guy is a di ck


just go? I’ll close everything

you here by yourself, Max. You might be a big, strong guy, but that’s still a jerk

argue with the

“True story.”

just shook his head and laughed as he grabbed the last glass

working at the restaurant for a few years now, so we had a routine down and worked together seamlessly. It always took us less time than everyone else to get our list of chores

1 am. I stood and waited while he locked the back door, then we walked to our cars together. I was so busy looking at the still cloudy sky

hooking up with that night. He walked a few steps ahead of me, then

of horror on my face as I was hoping the person in that SUV was not who I thought it was. Max looked at my face and then spun around to see the SUV parked between our cars. “Ohhhhh sh it,” he said as he took a couple of steps back toward me. Without looking, he pushed

over Max’s shoulder and I

Max yelled. I could feel him trying to be brave for me, but I could also feel how every muscle in his back was tense and rock

only wish to pay Persephone for her excellent service tonight,” a deep and very calm voice said, his Russian accent evident. I recognized that voice. I

on Max’s back and said, “it’s okay, Max. He helped when…you know, Karma. It was his bodyguards.” Max visibly relaxed and

I’m not gonna di e

up and kissed

I got

toward my car and Adrik, who was watching

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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