Chapter 79, follow her closely

As soon as the door closed, Alva leaned against the door and softened to the ground.

He hugged his knees and buried his face.

I wish this was all a dream.

Time ticked by, the sky was getting dark, and Jackson was still standing outside the door.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

He picked up the phone, looked at it and put it in his pocket.

But thinking of something, he took out his phone and set the ringtone to mute.

Now, he didn’t want to listen to anyone.

Flora listened to the phone I’m sorry, the phone you dialed is temporarily unanswered, in a hurry.

The kid took Alva with him, his phone turned off or not, and he didn’t know where he was going.

She was in a hurry!

“Emrys, what should we do? Jackson still can’t get in touch!”

“What about the child? You don’t have her phone number?”

“No, I want her phone number, why am I in such a hurry!”

Emrys frowned, “Find someone to investigate, and if you find that kid, you’ll know where Jackson went.”

“Then hurry up!”

Emrys picked up her phone and called someone.

Flora saw him call and thought of something. She said, “By the way, check the child’s family. What does she do?

Make sure to check out Alva!

Alva woke up cold.

She opened her eyes, and the sky outside was already white.

A new day has begun.

Well, what happened before wasn’t a dream.

It’s true.

moved, stiff

the ground for a while, turned on the living

matter what happens,

she wants to

took her clothes and went to the bathroom. She took a shower, did some


opened, he saw the

pants, hands in



the sound, Jackson

looked over,

new stubble and his


first time Jackson and Alva have seen each other.

she would rather not see him like


over, a sleepless night, his voice

in those

answer him,

ask any more, pulled up his

elevator, and he followed, with the crisp sound of the

and quickly worried, “Your face is not good, did you not

Alva was silent.

frowned, “Didn’t you have dinner?”

the elevator door

Alva walked out.

grabbed her,

suddenly shook him off with a

Jackson was stunned.

he caught up.

cares about him.

him would she have

Jackson laughed.

a child with

gripped the bag and walked faster.

no taxis or buses outside at this time.

Can only wait.

to the stop sign diagonally

her, but instead of waiting for the bus as she did, he took out his mobile phone


last night Flora called him so much that his phone was turned off.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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