Chapter 80, calm down

A black car stopped not far behind the two, and the people. inside looked at them.

Alva looked up, “Jackson, if I don’t marry you, it’s just Uriah who won’t let me go. If I want to marry you, it’s because your whole family won’t let me go.”

She understands the means of rich people.

“If you don’t believe me, wait and see.”

Alva went to the office, and Jackson stopped following.

Because her words made him realize how childish and stupid his current behavior was.

Instead of solving any problems, he would put her in danger.

He can’t do that.

He had to think again.

As soon as Frank arrived at the company, he heard that Alva was coming, and he immediately went to Alva’s work room.

Sure enough, Alva is inside.

Frank went in immediately, “Alva, you’re back!”

“Well, I’m back.”

Alva said without raising her head, and her hands kept


Frank noticed something unusual about her.

No smile, no expression, very light, very cold.

He remembered what she said to him on the phone yesterday, and Frank was nervous, “Alva, what you said on the phone yesterday was true?”

Alva looked up at him and said, “When have I ever lied to you?”

She smiled at him when she said this, but the smile was not

warm at all.

that what she said was

even if it was true, he didn’t mean to


still likes her.

never lied to

headquarters on a business trip


at him, her eyes finally colored.

the design of the back with the West to create new elements and bring the

what I said.”

ask you to come

make it as soon as possible!”

of relief, “Although I hope you can do it as soon as possible, but, your know, I don’t

looks very bad today.


laughed, “No problem.”

clapped his hands, “Okay, and then there’s one more



you repay the rice


written down. everything that others owe me in a small book.”

“Okay, how about waiting for me

but there is interest.”


I promise you, I promise you all, and then, boss, are you okay? If you’re


don’t bother me if you have nothing to do.”

saying that, immerse yourself in work.

seriousness on her face, Frank sighed.

work can make her

and walked

Frank, thank you.

his phone, took a shower, changed clothes, and


willing to answer Mom’s phone, where

turned off all night, and she was really in a

A city.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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