Chapter 197, Sorry

Alva woke up early in the morning to see a threatening text message from Esme, and then looked at the time, one o’clock in the morning.

She frowned and called Esme.

Soon after, the call was connected, and Esme’s roar came over, “Alva, you’ve grown up, and your wings are hard. You can play your mother any way you want, right?”

“Let me tell you, your mother and I are not dead yet, you can’t go to heaven!”

The anger that Esme had been hiding all night was finally vented at this moment.

Alva listened to the phone go quiet and said, “We were busy late last night and the phone was turned off on mute.”

“Busy? What can you be busy with? This night…”

Esme’s voice stopped.

Yes, what can the couple do at night?

“You guys last night…”

Alva interrupted her, “Mom, it was already late when we finished our work last night. I thought you were asleep, so I didn’t call you back.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you young people, it’s normal to be busy at night, it’s normal.”

Esme’s voice changed instantly, “Then ask your son-in-law if he has

time, when will he have time?”

“Yes, he said he doesn’t want to eat with you.”


owe him five million,

you married? Wouldn’t the five million dollar be gone if

five million, we can’t do anything they say, but Mom, don’t worry, I’m working hard to make money. When I earn five million and return it to

how long will this

doesn’t matter, I will pay it back no matter how long

answer this immediately.

tell you anymore. I work overtime on weekends and have to be busy. You and Dad take

“This, you… Dudu…”

phone hung up.

came over, “How’s it

did not speak.

the five million would always be pressed

(hacke 187 Kon

just sit there and wait, she has to find a way to see Alva and let

the phone. she sent Esme a message asking her to

was sent and she went to make breakfast.

the information. I have an idea,

to make a picture

after a week, a month has passed.

had to hurry

grabbing her slippers from time to time and grabbing her pants

it play happily and curved

her life has become warm

and Alva sat down at the table.

I sat down, my phone

the phone ring, Candy, who was eating

“It’s not for

and saw the name on the

still in Lake Town?”

back in Paris.”

a meal to thank you. I don’t

to dinner. Even though the headquarters is busy, I left in a hurry and

and my attitude towards you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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