Chapter 198, Eating Together

“Alva, what’s the matter?” Ambrose’s voice came through the phone.

“Ambrose, I have contacted someone from the United States who is an old-fashioned accessory craftsman. I want to return to United States in the next two days.”

The voice on the phone paused for two seconds and said, “How’s your costume design going?”

“My plan has been made, and I am currently working on it according to the plan. It is very smooth. Without any accidents, I will be able to produce the picture in a week.”

“Well… How about this, come to Miffel Restaurant at one o’clock in the afternoon, and I’ll take a look at your plan.”


After breakfast, Alva took the blueprints and started designing.

At noon.

Ambrose sent her the time and location.

She packed up and went to the restaurant.

Ambrose had a window seat in the dining room with a cup of coffee and a document in front of her.

And he’s on the phone.

Seeing Alva, he raised his hand to her.

Alva saw him and walked over.

Ambrose hung up the phone and looked at her. “Have you had lunch?”

Alva paused and said, “Yes.”

She didn’t eat and was busy until noon.

But it’s okay, she went back to eat casually after the matter was discussed here.

didn’t cat much just now, you accompany me to eat, and we

the waiter and ordered food.

said eat, Alva ate.

She ordered casually.

for her, not so

he is very particular about

foie gras, a salad, a soup, two desserts, and

note to

gave the file to Ambrose,


took it, flipped it

beginning to the process and then to the result are

has indeed done well in Daven in the past


the table, and Ambrose says,


knife and fork and began to

little fast, which stands out

eat slowly,” Ambrose

okay, this is my normal

Normal eating speed…

how she had eaten bread that night.

big mouthful, just to solve the

it now, although she is not a big

is not unsightly, but natural and unpretentious.

“I don’t mind.”

mouth and said, “Ambrose, if you think my plan is feasible, I want to go back to United States tomorrow, and then I will also

delay the

the picture out in a

is the goal she set for herself.

but when you see something new, will

he said is

would have to be re-planned. The things designed before and the preparations made would

consequence of this is that a lot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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