Chapter 26

Chapter 26

“What if I get drunk, hmm? Will y

you carry me home?”


Drink all you want, wife, and leave the rest to me. I will take care of it Summer’s eyes were brimmed with tears as those words echoed in her head. She would never have to worry about getting drunk back then, because he was always there to take care of her.

“It’s not worth it. Summer. Don’t think about that jerk,” She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she took another sip yet again. She was hoping this pain will go away, she was hoping she would stop thinking about him if she tried not to, but in the end, it turned out that she was only deceiving herself. This man had taken over all of her thoughts and it’s driving her nuts.

“Hunter will be here to take care of you. You can drink all you want,” She told herself as she gulped down the content of the glass. Unable to hold back her tears, she allowed them trickle down the corner of her cheeks.

“Why did you do that, Xander? Why didn’t you listen to me? I never cheated on you… It never crossed my mind to do that. You were the only man my heart belonged to. Why did you do that?” She whimpered silently, her fingers tucked in her hair.

“What are you doing? Why are you crying because of that bummer? He’s not worth it. F u cking get yourself together, Summer. That man is not worth it,” She scolded herself silently, resenting herself for still thinking about him, but can she help it? It was easy to fall head over heels for this man, but over the years, it hasn’t been easy to fall out of love with him.

The sound of her ringing phone disrupted her, and a scoff tore through her throat when she checked and saw that it was Hunter.

“What does he want? Calling me now after an hour of waiting, huh?” She rolled her eyes and tossed her phone on the table.

She cursed out loudly, slamming her

to come out here? Why the f u ck am I here?” Her legs were so weak

drunk… I’m not drunk…”

eyes and shook her head briefly, trying to shake off the dizziness

ok?” Even amid her eyes spinning and her weak legs, she

She muttered

me?”Frustration resounded in her voice, more tears streamed down

her balance, Summer had slumped back

this thing? Why is everything turning against me?” She cursed

here. You should’ve just f uc

then, her phone started on ring on the table, and she let out a

so deep not to see that Hunter was the

your” She yelled at the

to go home, Summer. You need to go home,” With those words

Chapter 26

weakly as she looked around her, trying to find her way out, but her eyes were

back. Summer had lost all hope, thinking she was going to crash against

close,” she mumbled as she ran her finger through her

take you hom, Summer,” Came the familiar voice she would never forget even in her grave. It

trying to figure out if she didn’t misheard the voice, or maybe she was just hallucinating. Well, anything was possible since she couldn’t stop

her feet. His scent was familiar, the hardness of his chest was f u cking familiar, and the feeling this moment was giving her, was

so drunk right now.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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