Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Xander tossed on the bed for the millionth time this morning as Hunter’s words kept replaying in his head. As much as he didn’t want to add relevance to whatever the pained man had said to hum yesterday, he could not help but be disturbed about it.

“Summer never had a family. What was he talking about?” He mumbled as ise sat up on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair. it was already getting Late in the morning and he was supposed to have been on his way to the office if not at the company already, but it didn’t feel like he was leaving anytime

His buzzing phone got his attention, and he groaned tiredly as he reached out to it and hesitated before answering the call from his secretary.

“Good morning, Sir. I called to remind you that you have an appointment this morning,” Her feminine voice sounded from the other end, and he groaned hustratingly as he ran his fingers through his hair slowly. He had forgotten about that appointment.

Cancel all my appointments for today How much he really wanted to tell her that, but this particular one was something he could not postpone or cancel, so he just nodded and exhaled deeply.

“I’ll be there shortly,” He disconnected the call and tossed the phone on the bed before leaving for the bathroom.

It took him an hour and a few minutes to get ready for work, and let his room afterwards.

“Good morning, Sir,” Nick welcomed him as soon as he stepped out of the building minutes later,

“Morning. Where is everyone?” He hastened his steps toward the parking lot while Nick trailed behind him.

“Ms. Lisa stepped outside early in the morning to workout. Phoebe already took Ella to school. I’m the only one at home, Sir,” Nick explained as he pulled the backdoor of the car opened when they arrived at the parking lot.

“Hmm,” Xander hopped inside, and alter Nick closed the door, he went to hop in the driver’s seat,

“Should I read your schedule for you before we

“Just drive,” He cut Nick off as he passed out through the window, rubbing his forehead slowly and gently. After the texts from Hunter last night, he could barely get himself to sleep as it was really disturbing, and here he was, hurrying to the office again.

“Alright, Sir,” Nick started the car and they were soon on their way to the office.

“Nick, need you to do something for me,”

“Alright, Sir. What is it?” Nick glanced at him through the rearview mirror and continued driving.

“I need a background check on Summer. I want to know what she has been doing for the past six years. It was the second time he was going to do this. First was when she just left and he desperately wanted to find her, but it wasn’t as intense as this time.

want to know specifically if she has a family now.

because even he didn’t believe whatever s i t Hunter

I will get to it,” Nick

you did to her. Do you think he’ll allow things to ever work out between you two?’ He rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes as those words replayed in his head. This was going to be even more complicated if Hunter was saying the truth, but he



abused by han family


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12 Jun

Chapter 65

and Nick

I asked for, Nick. You don’t have to stay with

and bowed slightly as soon as he stepped inside

He waved at her briefly and headed into his

when the

here to see you.” Came

He wasn’t expecting anyone aside from the man he was having an appointment with, and it was too

he is doctor Spencer and he

see you, Sir” Kander’s face lit

him to leave” He was going to say that to his secretary, but

The call dropped after the secretary replied with “alright,

when a knock came on the door, and Spencer

Mr. Hughes. The fact that he got the audacity to smile at Kander


the man. He was supposed to have made him pay for what he did, but the only oneself back was because of his Mom. That was going to break her, and he was not ready to


raised his eyebrows shockingly when Spencer suddenly went on his knees right in front

have mercy on me. Please spare we just this

pushed, but please have mercy’ve been in this field for fifteen years. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am today, and I don’t want to lose everything,” Spencer pleaded with guilt as he held

Mi lughes. I have three

spate me

he didn’t see

I’m going to

this out of

me these, doctor Spenser?” He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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