Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Summer Frost POV



I thought they were going to leave last night, but they didn’t and the fact that Dad had me cancel my schedule for them is crazy

“You should get to know your in-law’ family. Mrs. Moore and I are going for a golf session. How about you come with us?’ Dad asked me over breakfast this morning while we were all eating together. He could’ve just told me to come with them without making it look like I had a choice, yeah?

My kids had already gone to school, so it was just myself here, all alone.

The sound of the knock on my door caught my attention while I was getting ready for the golf session or whatever Dad called it earlier.

“Who is there?”

“It’s me, ma’am. Mr. Miller asked to call you downstairs. They are ready to leave now,” Came the maid’s voice.

“Alright. I’ll be there shortly,” Her receding footsteps followed, and I presumed she was already gone.

ver for a second enjoyed any of them. I guess

I had followed Dad to go play golf several times since the years that I’ve known him, and trust me, I’ve never this was going to be even more horrible since Hunter and his family were coming with us.

“I guess you have a habit of keeping people waiting. You should work on it especially if you want to last in my family as a daughter-in-law,” Mrs. Moore’s rude words welcomed me into the living room minutes later, but I ignored her and turned to Dad who was also present.

“I’m ready. Sir. Shall we?”

“Oh, yes…” He paused then turned to Mrs. Moore and smiled. “This way, madam,”

I left the house before them, and I was even more irked when I stepped outside and saw Hunter standing beside the limousine parked at the parking lot. I guess we’ll all be riding together. I’d have preferred if we rode differently, anyway.

“Hey… You are here,” Hunter had that usual smile on his face as I walked up to him, but his sister just glared at me before she hopped inside the car.

“How about you tell your sister to behave herself, huh? It’s obvious that I’m older than her, and I hate disrespect from people younger than me,” I turned to Hunter and stated coldly before I hopped inside the car in the front seat along with the driver who had been waiting there for G o d knows how long

all soon hopped inside, and the ride began. The atmosphere in the car was peaceful, and I couldn’t be any happier that I didn’t get to hear that woman’s voice again. Well, my excitement was soon cut short the moment Hazel decided to break the

mention anything about Summer’s baby Daddy. Is she a divorcee or did the man die?” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, resting my head on the

I heard Hunter scold

Don’t you think we should know the past life of the woman you want to marry? You wouldn’t want something that’d mess with our reputation later, right?” Mrs Moore’s voice came on, and it

I turned back to them, and Dad glared at


Chapter 66

of my lip twitched up into a smirk as I looked into her

“Told me what?”

you suck at bringing up your kids,” They all

“Wh… what did you—”

talking. Mrs Moore. I was silent when you were talking, so you should do the same and listen to me. I think you should do better in teaching yourself and your daughter some manners. I know it’s hard to

his best to tolerate you, but trust me, this generation of men won’t tolerate this horrible behaviour from a woman. You should teach your daughter some manners if you don’t want her to end up not finding a man

Dad snapped at me, and I

daughter were saying s h i t s about me and you could not do anything about it, so can you please stay out of this? I’ve had enough of this!” For the first time in the six years that I’ve known this man, I finally looked into his eyes and spoke my mind to him because I was tired of being treated like a piece of trash. I was tired of acting like everything was fine when



car,” I turned

f**g stop the car this d m n minute! If you don’t stop this car,

Let go of that.” Dad’s voice trailed off when the driver stepped on the brake and brought the car to an

to stop the car?” Dad yelled at

lose control of the wheel, that’s why I had

I pushed the car door

I finally stopped out of the car and slammed the door behind me. The fresh air that welcomed me was so soothing and it felt like a burden had just

started to walk away, but someone suddenly held me and pulled me back roughly just before I got

cheek as

in shock as I held


that b s r d? Is it because of him?” Thankfully, there was no single person around the place at

17″ He yelled


the top

his voice without minding that we were in a public

trying to give you a good life and you are messing it up for me? Are

that woman and her daughter were bullying me

person to get bullied? Why are you acting as if you didn’t see worse when you were with that b a s t a d? I did my findings and you were

12 Jun

Chapter 66

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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