Chapter 171

When Severin woke up the next morning, he realized that Diane had kicked off her blanket at some point during the night and draped her S**y fair leg over him. She was such an unruly person in her sleep that one of her arms was draped over Severin’s neck as she slept on her stomach. She seemed to be the person who tended to move around when she sleeping.

Severin’s heartbeat quickened as he looked at her S**y thighs. As much as he was able to resist. temptation, he could not control his thoughts from running wild when he was in such an inviting


At that moment, Diane’s beautiful eyes opened slowly and she discovered something.

“Ah! W-what are you doing?!” Diane was startled to see Severin, but she then remembered having allowed him to sleep in the room the previous night. Her cheeks turned red at that moment, and she hurriedly removed her hands and legs from him. She then pulled her nightgown because it had ridden up her thighs, all while wondering if Severin had seen anything.

Severin was speechless too and smiled bitterly. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? I had a very good night’s sleep last night, and I woke up to see you hugging me. You’re rather wild when you’re asleep, aren’t you?”

could’ve hooked my leg over there! You should go back to your room right away!

had no choice but to nod and walk out when she

Diane breathed a sigh of relief and touched her hot cheek after Severin

Severin went out, catching him by surprise. She had just exited her room in the opposite corridor, and there was a knowing smile on her face when she

was done, he went downstairs and then said to Queenie who was sitting on the sofa, “Let’s go. I’ll go with you to return the

been pushed to the limit by her creditors and she felt relieved that the opportunity to pay off the money had finally

Severin drove Queenie to a

people aren’t to be messed with,

asked, “His subordinates just tried to a*sault you last night, and you want me


the kind of person that should be provoked. He is a skilled


leave this place if you end up offending him!*

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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