Chapter 172

At least, that was how it used to be.

“We have no problems letting you in, but we don’t know who this guy is, so I’m afraid he can’t bel allowed to go in with you!” The other guy said as he smiled and looked at Severin.

“He’s my cousin, I went with him to withdraw the money earlier so we can pay back the money. He’s here to help me!” Queenie immediately explained.

“Cousin, eh?” The man looked at Severin again and saw that Severin was carrying a black bag that probably contained money. However, he still said, “No can do, Queenie. Cousin or not, he’s an outsider. We can’t let him in, so tell him to wait for you outside!”

Queenie frowned and her expression turned gloomy. “Why not? This rule never existed before!”

the rule came into force today. Got a problem with that?” The

instantly sensed something was wrong and stepped forward to say, “Sorry, but we’re here to pay back the

safe? Chill, dude. She’ll be safe!” The man had an evil grin as he

was likely that the three guys from last night complained to Hugh about what happened to them, which was probably

because she still owed them nine thousand dollars, and she wanted to settle that debt as soon as possible so she did not have to worry about that dastardly interest. With that goal firmly in mind, a hint of determination appeared in her eyes and she turned around and took the bag of money from Severin’s hand. She then said to him,” How about you just wait for me outside? Don’t worry, all I’m going to

eventually nodded. “Okay. Be careful

turned around to walk to the villa gate. The two blonde men who guarded the door

as he was outside the wall on the other side of the villa, he leaped up in the blink of an eye and crossed over the nearly two-meter-high wall with ease. Once he got on the other side, Severin found himself in a small forest, where he watched Queenie walk into the

that no people were patrolling, so he dashed in a flicker and left an afterimage as he appeared suddenly at the gate of the

of breakfast, Hugh?” After Queenie entered, she saw Hugh sitting on the sofa and enjoying his food. She raised the money in her hand and

Hugh chuckled. “How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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