Chapter 173

Queenie’s face soured as soon as she heard that. She looked at the three people standing behind Hugh and saw that they were none other than the three guys who were beaten by Severin the previous night. At that moment, the three of them were looking angrily at her.

Johnny took the initiative to take a step forward and say, “I didn’t expect us to meet so soon, Queenie. Hehe, our boss Hugh told us that we can’t just let you off the hook so easily after you beat us up!”

Queenie immediately looked at Hugh with a pleading expression and said, “I didn’t beat them up. last night! They got beaten by someone else because they were trying to force themselves on me. How can you blame me for that?”

Hugh said nonchalantly, “And why shouldn’t we blame you? You owe us a lot of money, and you kept dragging the payment. My guys are getting fed up with having to look for you and ask for the money to be returned. I don’t think it’s out of line for them to want to get something out of you.”

He then continued, “Besides, no one would rush in to save you if you didn’t keep yelling last night, and then my men here won’t get beaten. Now try and tell me that this doesn’t have anything to do with you.

long? Besides, you should know that the five percent interest rate that was initially agreed upon in the contract was secretly changed to a higher amount!” Queenie gritted her teeth angrily. Her eyes were

to be a little under nine thousand; but I’ll give you nine thousand in total. That should be

“Where are you going?”

“Trying to run?”

were beaten up the previous day rushed over immediately

crossed legs and remarked with a cold smile, “Did I say you could leave? You owe us more than just the nine thousand dollars. That man beat up three of my men, so you’ll have to pay for the medical expenses. That’ll be

I won’t be able to give you forty-five thousand dollars even if you sell me off! Please just let me go!”

that she had no choice but to

could not leave that place the knew that the man was

Hugh esid with

You fuel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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